Archived Editions

Archived Editions from past months are available here. To see the most recent editions, go the current editions page.

Monthly Editions

Monthly Editions have uplifting articles from pastors and church members, historical articles, and updates on our Federation.

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October 2024 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Remember!" Dennis Hannu
"The Seed that Grew a Tree" JH Merle D'Aubigne
"What the Law Can and Can't Do" Martin Luther
Statement of Ownership: The Book Concern
"Praise the Lord" Gwen Wilson
"Imagine a Doctor!" Martin Luther
"Exhortation" W A Karvonen
"Charity" Jay Weidner
"Permanent Glory" Lois Matson
"Growing Up and Down" Jason Salmi
"Heaping Up Glory to God" Nicholas Kandoll
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September 2024 Chritsian Monthly: Articles:
"A Question the Christian Must Not Utter" Martin Luther
"Ponder We Our World Today" Donny Matson
"The Crown for the Justfied" Apology to the AC
"Tempering Tool" Ernest Shubird
"Preaching Christ" Martin Luther
"My Little Children" Gwen Wilson
"This Temporary World" Gerry Southerton
"Doing God's Work" Ryan Kandoll
"The Change of Heart" James Montgomery
"The Upside-Down World" Lois Matson
"What's in a Name?" Jason Salmi
"Rose Buds" Laurel Ojala
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August 2024 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"80th Anniversary Edition"
"A Little Background"
"His Work in Us" C.O. Rosenius
The Word Is the Sanctuary" Large Catechism
"Eighty Years!" Gwen Wilson
"Christ, the Tested, Testing Stone" Martin Luther
"Within the Veil" Horatius Bonar
"The Two Chief Works of God" Apology to the AC
"The Suffering Servant" Lois Matson
"Made a Curse for Us" Martin Luther
"The Chosen Servant" Hilary of Poitiers
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July 2024 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Happy Dependence Day" Jason Salmi
"Citizens of Heaven" Elmer Yliniemi
"The Prophet of God" Nicholas Kandoll
"Your Praise of God" Augustine
"Repentance and the Gospel" Smalcald Articles
"The Kingdom of Christ" Martin Luther
"Pentecost" Gwen Wilson
"Beware of Leaven" Ryan Kandoll
"Trust in the Lord" Dennis Hannu
"Running After Who We Love" Lois Matson
"Our God Is Not Ordinary" Chuck Bylkas
"The Day of Christ" Mark Matson
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June 2024 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Our God Is Lord of All" Jay Weidner
"The Lord Orders the Crooked Steps of Man" Augustine
"The Ascension of Jesus" Nicholas Kandoll
"Seek the Lord in Prayer" Martin Luther
"John the Baptist" Martin Luther
"The Coming of God" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Jesus' Ascension" Gwen Wilson
"The Ascension of Christ" Paul Kretzmann
"Make a Joyful Noise" Augustine
"The Precious Blood of Christ" Mark Matson/Charles Spurgeon
"Heart Changes" Joel Baker
"Come, Lord Jesus, But Just a Little More Time" Lois Matson
"The Spirit Points Us to Christ" Chuck Bylkas
"True Joy" Bernard of Clairvaux
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April-May 2024 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Jesus: the Resurrection and the Life" Chuck Bylkas
"The Fruits and Benefits of the Resurrection of Christ" Martin Luther
"Christ Is Manifest" Henry Law
"Let Us Pray" Jason Salmi
"The Baptism of Jesus" Nicholas Kandoll
"Every Day Is Easter" Gwen Wilson
"The Day of Resurrection" John of Damascus
"Lord, Revive Us Again" Andrew Mickelsen
Meeting Notice: Central Board
"He Will Hold Me Fast" Lois Matson
"We Celebrate the Resurrection Every Day" Jay Weidner
Request for Old Sermon Tapes: Dave Impola
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March 2024 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Treasure of Faith" Martin Luther
"Family Calling" James Nestingen
"The Essence of Lent" Chuck Bylkas
"The Resurrection of the Body" Irenaeus
"Biblical Events for March" Gwen Wilson
"Good Works" Nicholas Kandoll
"Salt of the Earth & Light of the World" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Our Source of Life" Alvin Holmgren
"The Masks of God" Lois Matson
"God Is Kind" Jay Weidner
"Request for Old Sermon Tapes" Dave Impola
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February 2024 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Transfiguration" Paul Kretzmann
"Desire of Every Nation" Anna B Hoppe
"The Epiphany of Our Lord" Dennis Hannu
"Confidence" H.A. Ironside
"Seek the Lord's Will Diligently" Gwen Wilson
"Though Darker, Rougher, Grows the Way" Robert R Pentecost
"The Bread of Heaven" Martin Luther
"Our Reasonable Service" Chuck Bylkas
"Inclining Ears" Lois Matson
"Our Interceding Savior" Octavius Winslow
"Faith Is a Gift" Stan Lampinen
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January 2024 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Thy Light Is Come" Chuck Bylkas
"Baptism of Our Lord" Dennis Hannu
"The God Who Exists" Hannah Whithall Smith
"Out of Egypt" Nicholas Kandoll
"The Honor of His Name" Large Catechism
"Wise Men Seek Jesus, But Many Don't" Gwen Wilson
"Faith Liberates from the Law" Martin Luther
"Be Occupied with God's Word" Large Catechism
"The Pharisee and the Publican" Paul Kretzmann
"The Life Is in the Blood" Lois Matson
"Facing a New Year" Jason Salmi
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December 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Extraordinary Incarnation" Nicholas Kandoll
"Christ Our King" Dennis Hannu
"Christmas Has Arrived" Andrew Mickelson
"The Virgin Birth" Paul Kretzmann
"Jesus, the Best Christmas Gift" Gwen Wilson
"The Message of the Angel" Martin Luther
"The Mystery of the Incarnation" Chuck Bylkas
"Christians, Awake!" John Byrom
"The Trinity at Christmas" Lois Matson
"The Good, the Beautiful, and the True" Jason Salmi
"The Second Advent" Cyril of Jerusalem
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November 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Thank You, Lord" Charles Bergstedt
"The Truth Will Make You Free!" Elmer Yliniemi
"Our Many Blessings" Alvin Holmgren
"If the Son Shall Make You Free" Ron Holmgren
"The Church Is Founded on the Word of God" Martin Luther
"Balaam and His Donkey That Talked" Gwen Wilson
"The Mercy of God" A.W. Tozer
"God Is True" Jay Weidner
"Thank God Without Ceasing" First Article, Large Catechism
"Not Only...!" Lois Matson
"Giving Thanks" Ray Stenersen
"Thank You, Jesus!" Paul Coponen
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October 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Luther on the Psalms" Martin Luther
"That I May Know Him" Dennis Hannu
"Christ in the Psalms" Athanasius
Statement of Ownership
"Faith, a Furnace, and a Mighty God" Gwen Wilson
"The Book of Psalms" Paul Kretzmann
"Comment on the Psalms" Hans Boersma
"Reformation" Chuck Bylkas
"Let's Be Honest" Jason Salmi
"Praying the Psalms" Lois Matson
"The Harvest" Jay Weidner
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September 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Light Shining in Darkness" Chuck Bylkas
"The Prodigal Son/The Gracious Father" Dennis Hannu
"Prayer for the New School Year" Annie Barnsdale
"Love the Lord Your God" Martin Luther
"The Love of God" Paul Coponen
"The Little Pot of Oil that Paid a Debt" Gwen Wilson
"Scriptural Hope" Andrew Mickelsen
"Thy Kingdom Come" Nicholas Kandoll
"Holding On Tight" Lois Matson
"Seeing Clearly" Jason Salmi
"Simon the Fisherman Became Peter the Apostle" H.A. Ironside
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August 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles;
"Precious Seed" Alvin Holmgren
"God Is Greater" L.L. Laestadius
"Comforting Words" Martin Luther
"My Train" Author Unknown
"Memorial Day" Paul Coponen
"Our Goodly Heritage" Gwen Wilson
"The Congregation (and Its Oddities)" Phil Wilson
"A Call to Christlikeness" Gregory of Nazianzus
"Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled" Joel Baker
"Let Us Rejoice" Nancy Jarvi
"Forgetfulness" Lois Matson
"The Strange and Diverse" Nathan Juntunen
"The First Destruction of Man" Augustine
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July 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Walk in Truth" Jay Weidner
"Arise, Shine!" Nathan Juntunen
"The Wondrous Mystery of God's Plan" Devotional Writing
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ" Edith Bisila
"Prayer" Chrysostom
"Who's Your Hero?" Gwen Wilson
"Pray for Our Nation" Congressional Record
"Death and Life" Gerry Southerton
"If My People" Lois Matson
"Hymn History: Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted"
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June 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Christ, the Solid Rock" Walt Matson
"Put on Christ, the Armor of Light" Martin Luther
"Proclamation of the Spirit" Nicholas Kandoll
"Good Friday" Paul Coponen
"Our Father" Gwen Wilson
"Clothed with Salvation and Robed in Righteousness" Dennis Hannu
"The Garments of Salvation" Paul Kretzmann
"Fan the Flame" Jason Salmi
"The Blessed Trinity" Christopher Wordsworth
"Into This Black Hole" Lois Matson
"No Worries" Chuck Bylkas
"A Goodly Heritage" Henry Law
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May 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Christ's Ascension into Heaven" Martin Luther
"Christ Has Redeemed Us" Ansten Tretten
"Honor Your Father and Mother" Large Catechism
"Power From on High" Gwen Wilson
"The Holy Spirit Comforter" CM for Children
"The Priesthood of Believers" Beth Staudinger
"Two Heart Conditions" Paul Coponen
"Stewards of God's Word" Chuck Bylkas
"Forgetting God" Richard Trench
"Lord, Teach Us to Pray" Lois Matson
"Can We Be Sure?" Jason Salmi
"Savior From Death and Life" Nathan Juntunen
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April 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"He Is Risen!" Dennis Hannu
"He Was Delivered and Raised for Us" Andrew Mickelsen
"Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands" Martin Luther
"I Died for You" Gwen Wilson
"Living the Effects of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ" Orval Wirkkala
Annual Meeting Notice
"Victory in Jesus" Eliza E Hewitt
"Our Mighty Conqueror" Lois Matson
"The Resurrection" Athanasius
"He is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia!" Alexander MacLaren
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March 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Our Focus in Lent" Jay Weidner
"The Word Made Flesh" Irenaeus
"Let This Mind Be in You" Dennis Hannu
"Attend My Prayer" Paul Coponen
"How Huge Is Unbelief" Jacob Kujala
"Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting" Jean Sophia Pigott
"Lent: The Temptation of Jesus" Gwen Wilson
"The Genuine Article" Jason Salmi
"Confession" Principles of the Doctrine of Christ
"Jesus, Our Redeemer" Ron Holmgren
"Daily Attention to the Word" Hippolytus
"Our Sabbath Rest" Lois Matson
"Tune Your Ears for Confession" Scott Keith
"Man's Nature and Original Sin" Formula of Concord
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February 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Bright and Morning Star" Chuck Bylkas
"See the Father" Ambrose
"The Glory of the Lord Is Risen Upon Thee" Martin Luther
"A Sound Mind" Jay Weidner
"Lift Up the Voice" Hans Lampinen
"Wise Men from the East" Gwen Wilson
"Saint or Sinner?" Jason Salmi
"Lord, Forgive My Sin" Johannes Stark
"Who Touched Me?" Nicholas Kandoll
"Eyewitnesses of His Majesty" Lois Matson
"The Transfiguration of Christ" Paul Kretzmann
"Luther's Notes on the Transfiguration" Martin Luther
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January 2023 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"A Sweet Sleep" Hans Lampinen
"A Blest New Year" Stan Lampinen
"God Is Constant" Jason Salmi
"Of the Faith of the Wise Men" Martin Luther
"A New Year" Gwen Wilson
"Psalms, the Prayer Book of the Bible" Alvin Holmgren
"Epiphany" Philipp Nicolai
"What a Mystery!" Donald Salo
2023 ALC Calendar Notice
"From Death to Life" Lois Matson
"Sweet Names of Death" Bryan Wolfmueller
"The Word of the Father" Athanasius
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December 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Born of a Virgin" Elmer Yliniemi
"Spiritual Christmas" Aatu Laitinen
"The Advent Wreath" Dennis Hannu
ALC Calendar Notice
"The Lamb of God in a Manger Lay" Gwen Wilson
"The Birth of Jesus" Paul Kretzmann
"Your Savior Has Come" Chuck Bylkas
"God Is With Us" Lois Matson
"On the Flesh of Christ" Tertullian, Augustine, Ironside
"Prophetic Words" Paul Coponen
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November 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:

"How Amiable Are Thy Tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts!" Alvin Holmgren
"Hymns and Spiritual Songs" Martin Luther
"Come" Don Salo
"The Celebration of Advent" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Thanksgiving" Gwen Wilson
"Bear One Another's Burdens" Gene Mixon
"Give Thanks" Jim Maunu
"Lift Up Your Heads" Dennis Hannu
"Things Above and Things Below" Lois Matson
"Give Thanks to the Lord" Chuck Bylkas
"A Prisoner Is Not Free" Paul Coponen
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October 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Delight in the Way of Christ" Augustine
"If a Man Dies Shall He Live Again?" A.B. Anderson
"In the Likeness of Flesh" Epiphanios
"Preface to the New Testament" Martin Luther
"The Little Maid with Great Faith" Gwen Wilson
"The Thoughts and Ways of God" Travis Seppala
"Luther at the Wartburg: Translating the Bible" J.H. Merle D'Aubigne
Statement of Ownership
"Words, Words, Words" Lois Matson
"Look Ever to Jesus" Nicholas Kandoll
"Two Evils" Paul Coponen
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September 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Do You Feel the Heat?" Jason Salmi
"Called to Worship" Dennis Hannu
"The Ministry of the Gospel" Paul Kretzmann
"The Lord Will Guide You" Gwen Wilson
"The Spirit of Truth" Chuck Bylkas
"Who Serves Whom?" Jamon Holmgren
"Exhortation to Receive the Sacrament" Large Catechism
"Jesus: True God" Athanasius
"My God, Why Have You Not Forsaken Me?" Lois Matson
"Summer Travel" Ray Stenersen
"Lord, Thee I Love With All My Heart" Martin Schalling
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August 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Preach the Word" Charles Korhonen
"As My Father Has Sent Me..." Alvin Holmgren
"The Power of the Holy Ghost" C.O. Rosenius
Upcoming Services Notice
"Did You Know...?" Gwen Wilson
"Everything Reproduces After Its Own Kind" Austin Ojala
"Stephen, the First Martyr" Paul Kretzmann
"Inhuman Forgiveness" Lois Matson
"The Song of the Multitude" Martin Luther
"Remember, O Lord" Didache
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July 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Let Us Bless America" Jay Weidner
"Christ Stilling the Tempest" Paul Kretzmann
"God Gives Strength" Sue Matson
"The Living Water" H.A. Ironside
"Fear and Revere the Lord" Gwen Wilson
"God Said... And It Was So" Walt Matson
"The Lord Is Merciful" Nicholas Kandoll
"Whatever" Lois Matson
"He Is in Our Ship" Chuck Bylkas
"Does Jesus Care?" Frank E. Graeff
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June 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"For the Fathers" Martin Luther
"Restore to Us Our First Love" CFW Walther
"Praying for Our Confirmands" Ray Stenersen
"The Ascension of Our Lord" Jay Weidner
"Praying for Our Graduates" Dennis Hannu
"Prayer for Our Loved Ones" Paul Coponen
"The Last of Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances" Gwen Wilson
"Psalm 103--Hymn to the Mercy of God" Paul Kretzmann
"Let Him Deny Himself" St Augustine
"East to West" Lois Matson
"Faith Distilled" Jason Salmi
"The Greatest Good in Married Life" Martin Luther
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June 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"For the Fathers" Martin Luther
"Restore to Us Our First Love" CFW Walther
"Praying for Our Confirmands" Ray Stenersen
"The Ascension of Our Lord" Jay Weidner
"Praying for Our Graduates" Dennis Hannu
"Prayer for Our Loved Ones" Paul Coponen
"The Last of Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances" Gwen Wilson
"Psalm 103--Hymn to the Mercy of God" Paul Kretzmann
"Let Him Deny Himself" St Augustine
"East to West" Lois Matson
"Faith Distilled" Jason Salmi
"The Greatest Good in Married Life" Martin Luther
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May 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Far Above Rubies" Chuck Bylkas
"The Work of God" Carl Kulla
"Daily Repentance" Francis Pieper
"Two Kinds of Righteousness" Martin Luther
"Unfinished Business" Gwen Wilson
"Fishers of Men" Nicholas Kandoll
"Thy Strong Word" Martin Hans Franzmann
"The Function of God's Law" Jason Salmi
"Book Recommendation: The Hammer of God" Lois Matson
"Scared to Death" Lois Matson
"A Life of Daily Repentance" Francis Pieper
2022 Meeting Notice
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April 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Death and Resurrection" Paul Kretzmann
"Sun of My Soul" John Keble
"Worshipping During Lent" Dennis Hannu
"Risen With Christ" Irenaeus, Martin Luther
"Believe—Jesus Died for You" Gwen Wilson
"Why Did the Angel Roll the Stone Away?" CM for Children April 2012
"Abide With Us" Elmer Yliniemi
"A Song of Freedom" J. M. Hoppin
"The Word Is Life" Martin Luther
"Praise Ye the Lord" Lois Matson
"Life and Death" Bernard of Clairvaux
"I Know That My Redeemer Lives!" Samuel Medley
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March 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"To God Be the Glory!" John Ruotsala
"To Redeem Them That Were Under the Law" C.O. Rosenius
"A New Heart of Flesh" Paul Coponen
"Jesus Sings a Hymn" Jay Weidner
"Jesus Transfigured" Gwen Wilson
"Free From the Law" Martin Luther
"Exiles Longing for Home" Christoph Ernst Luthardt
"Promises of Grace" Janne Marttiini
"Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Is Come!" Lois Matson
"Rejoice in the Lord Always" Chuck Bylkas
"On the Word Made Flesh" St Augustine
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February 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Bless the Lord" Dennis Hannu
"Isaiah 6: Vision of Jehovah in His Temple" Paul Kretzmann
"Christ's Work" Formula of Concord
"The Greedy King and the Wise Men" Gwen Wilson
"The Millennium" John Lumijarvi
"The First Promise of a Savior" Paul Coponen
"Our Three Homes" Börje Mård
"A Song of Ascents" Lois Matson
"All Things New" Jason Salmi
"Give Thanks" Martin Luther
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January 2022 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Another Auld Lang Syne" Jay Weidner
"The Naming of Jesus" Martin Luther
"The Master's Call" Oscar Wilson
"Jesus, Twelve Years Old" Gwen Wilson
"When Forgiveness Is Suffering" Jill Carattini
2022 ALC Calendar Notice
"The Theology of the Gospel" Scott R Murray
"Contentment" Andy Kandoll
"Too Good to Be True?" Lois Matson
2022 Convention Notice
"Beauty for Ashes" Paul Coponen
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December 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Story of the Birth of Jesus" Martin Luther
"O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go" Dave Impola
2022 ALC Calendar Notice
"In Swaddling Clothes in a Manger" Gwen Wilson
"The New Nativity" Tertullian
"Greetings at Christmas" George Wilson
"God's Leading Hand" A. Zoldners
"It Is Christmas in the Kingdom" Lois Matson
"The Hymn Story: O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go" George Matheson
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November 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Thanksgiving" Jay Weidner
"Paul's Fight and Victory" Paul Kretzmann
"Take Heed of the Word" Paul Coponen
"Amazed by Grace" Jason Salmi
2022 ALC Calendar Notice
"God Is Our Refuge and Strength" Gwen Wilson
"CM for Children" Fall 2011
"A Season of Thanksgiving" Dennis Hannu
"On Thanksgiving" Martin Luther
"Statement of Ownership" Book Concern
"Finishing Strong" Lois Matson
"Wait on the Lord" Ray Stenersen
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October 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Psalter" Martin Luther
"Eat, O Friends" Janne Marttiini
"The Only True God" Ambrose
"Worship" Paul Coponen
"Trust and Obey" Gwen Wilson
"Why Do the Righteous Suffer" Wayne Juntunen
"The Battle Belongs to the Lord" Joel Baker
"Comprehend the Incomprehensible" Lois Matson
"Preach the Word" Nicholas Kandoll
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September 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Let Angel Minds Inquire No More" Chuck Bylkas
"The Love of God" C.O. Rosenius
"The Importunate Widow" Paul Kretzmann
"The Word of God" Alvin Holmgren
"Twelve Baskets of Leftovers" Gwen Wilson
"Faith and Good Works" Martin Luther
"There Is Joy over One Sinner Who Repents" Nicholas Kandoll
"Help of the Helpless" Lois Matson
"The Sign of the Loaves" T.R. Halvorson
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September 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Let Angel Minds Inquire No More" Chuck Bylkas
"The Love of God" C.O. Rosenius
"The Importunate Widow" Paul Kretzmann
"The Word of God" Alvin Holmgren
"Twelve Baskets of Leftovers" Gwen Wilson
"Faith and Good Works" Martin Luther
"There Is Joy over One Sinner Who Repents" Nicholas Kandoll
"Help of the Helpless" Lois Matson
"The Sign of the Loaves" T.R. Halvorson
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August 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Heaven in View" Jason Salmi
"My Help Comes from the Lord" Dennis Hannu
"Glory Versus the Cross" Gene Edward Veith
"Next to the Word of God..." Martin Luther
"That the World May Know, Our God Reigns" Gwen Wilson
"The Ninth and Tenth Commandments" Large Catechism
"My Shepherd" Isaac Watts
"The Service of Parenting" Lois Matson
"The Word of God Speaks" Jay Weidner
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July 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Washington's Earnest Prayer" Jay Weidner
"He Loved Me and Gave Himself for Me" Martin Luther
"Proclaim His Truth" Nicholas Kandoll
"The Twenty-Third Psalm" Gwen Wilson
"The Eighth Commandment" Large Catechism
"Stand Fast" Chuck Bylkas
"The Power of the Word" Lois Matson
"Our Fellowship" Hans Lampinen
"Heavenly Sunshine" Notice
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June 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Lift Up the Hands that Hang Down" Hans Lampinen
"I've Set Sail to that Eternal Land" Gordon Kuusisto
"Here I Raise My Ebenezer" Dennis Hannu
"Look at the Words!" Martin Luther
"Saint John's Day" Gwen Wilson
"Strong or Weak Faith" Formula of Concord
"The Seventh Commandment" Large Catechism
"It Is Finished" Ken Matson
"Surer than Gravity" Lois Matson
"No Condemnation" Jason Salmi
"The Mediator" Augustine
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May 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Love Elevates the Other" Orval Wirkkala
"Lift Up Your Heads" Jason Salmi
New Address Notice for Book Concern & CM
"The Coming of the King of Glory" Paul Kretzmann
"Grace Abounding" Chrysostom
"The Holy Spirit Given on Pentecost" Gwen Wilson
"Ascension of Our Lord" Dennis Hannu
"The Sixth Commandment" Large Catechism
"God Is the Subject" Lois Matson
"Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified" Johannes Stark
" He Lives Always" Fredrik Wisloff
Modified Annual Convention Notice
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April 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"God Is Kind" Jay Weidner
"Light Overcomes Darkness" Elmer Yliniemi
"He Is Risen" Nicholas Kandoll
"Christ Is Again Manifest" Henry Law
"Given and Shed for YOU" Gwen Wilson
"The Fifth Commandment" Large Catechism
"Easter and the Forgiveness of Sins" Bryan Wolfmueller
"En-Courage One Another" Lois Matson
"The Triumph of the Seed of Abraham" Chuck Bylkas
Modified Annual Convention Notice
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March 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Kingdom of Christ" Ken Helmes
"Who Is This Man?" Author Unknown
"The Fourth Commandment" Large Catechism
"Son, Hear a Wise Father's Instruction" Gwen Wilson
"Means of Grace" Andrew Mickelsen
"Paul's First Drop of Ink" R.C.H. Lenski
"Lord, Give What You Command" Lois Matson
"Thou Art Great, O Lord' Rick Niska
Book Recommendation: The Suffering Saviour
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February 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Rejoice Evermore" Alvin Holmgren
"Crowned with Loving Kindness" C.O. Rosenius
"Jesus Will Be There" Robert R. Pentecost
"No Other Doctrine" Chuck Bylkas
"In the Twinkling of an Eye" Jay Weidner
"Jesus, Twelve Years Old and Filled with Wisdom" Gwen Wilson
"The Third Commandment" Large Catechism
"Sweetest Name on Mortal Tongue" Paul Coponen
New Mailing Address Notice
"Unsearchable Riches" Lois Matson
"The Difference Between the Law and the Gospel" Submitted by Phoebe Johnson
"All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray" H.A. Ironside
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January 2021 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Take the Name of Jesus" Dennis Hannu
"A New Year in the Lord" Alvin Holmgren
"Coming for Rest" Frances Havergal
"Jesus Leads Us" Gwen Wilson
2021 ALC Calendar Notice
"The Second Commandment" Large Catechism
"Rejoice in the Truth" Gary Geer
"The Face of God" Lois Matson
"The Benediction" Paul Kretzmann
"Jesus, Lover of My Soul" Paul Coponen
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December 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Word Becomes Flesh" Chuck Bylkas
"Jesus and His Mother" Albert Barnes
"The Name of Jesus" Fredrick Wisloff
"The First Resurrection" Beth Staudinger
2021 ALC Calendar Notice
"Christmas" Phil Wilson
"The First Commandment" Martin Luther
"Zwingle's Humn" J.H. Merle D'Aubigne
"Comm-Unity" Lois Matson
"Cling to the Lord" Joel Baker
"His Name Was Called Jesus" Johannes Stark
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November 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Serving One Another" Orval Wirkkala
"Natural and Spiritual" Joel Kandoll
"Strengthening for Your Journey" Paul Coponen
"Our Enemy, Satan" C.O. Rosenius
"The Ten Commandments Given" Gwen Wilson
"For Unto Us a Child Is Born" Dennis Hannu
"Lead Us Not Into Temptation" Large Catechism
"What Do You Lutherans Believe, Anyway?" Bryan Wolfmueller
Statement of Ownership
"The Voice of the Lord" Lois Matson
"Abounding in Thanksgiving" Jay Weidner
"He Blots Our Transgressions" Hans Lampinen
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Christian Monthly October 2020: Articles:
"The Whole Family in Heaven and Earth" Ron Holmgren
"Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice" Martin Luther
"According to His Mercy" Paul Coponen
"A Peace in My Heart" Shirley Lampinen
"Love Covers a Multitude of Sins" Friedrich Schleiermacher
"In Everything Give Thanks" Gwen Wilson
"Lord, Keep Us Steadfast" Alvin Holmgren
"Shod with the Gospel of Peace" C.O. Rosenius
"Help Thou Mine Unbelief" William Secker
"Two Catechisms" Lois Matson
"Goodness and Mercy" Mark Aho
"To Understand Grace" Tom Lappi
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September 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Why Are You Worried?" Jason Salmi
"The Armor of God" Nicholas Kandoll
"By the Mercies of God" Chuck Bylkas
"Cast All Your Care Upon Him" Gwen Wilson
"Christ: the Object of Faith" Charles Hodge
"Assurance" Dennis Hannu
"Teaching Our Children" Henriika Spets
"The Christian's Paradox" Brent Talo
"Snakebite!" Lois Matson
"The Gospel Is Always a Surprise: Bryan Wolfmueller
"Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee" Bernard of Clairvaux
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August 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Over and Over Again" Phil Wilson
"Jesus, the Rock of My Salvation" Hans Lampinen
"Attention!" Jennie Westlake
"More Than Conquerors" John Chrysostom
"Taste and See" Jim Maunu
"Delivered From a Fiery Furnace" Gwen Wilson
"There Is Therefore Now No Condemnation" Paul Kretzmann
"Commentary on Romans 6-8" Martin Luther
"We've Been Set Free" Lois Matson
"Bring It On!" Scott Murray
"Book Recommendation" LM
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July 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Pearl of Great Price" Dennis Hannu
"A New Life as a Child of God" Mark Matson
"God Is Practical" Scott R Murray
"He Will Keep Us" Chrysostom
"JESUS--The Author and Finisher of Our Faith" Gwen Wilson
"The Apostolic Greeting" Martin Luther
"Sermon of Laestadius in the Year of 1856" L.L. Laestadius
"What Christ Was He Laid Aside" Gregory Nazianzus
"The Fellowship of the Mystery" Lois Matson
"Book Recommendation: Luther's Commentary on Galatians" Tom Lappi
"Continue in Faith" Paul Coponen
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June 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Sin Renamed Is Still Sin" Elmer Yliniemi
"Jesus Is the Truth" Chuck Bylkas
"The Power of the Gospel" Paul Coponen
"He Answered Her Not a Word" Streams in the Desert
"The Bible" Martin Luther
"Does the Lord Know Me?" Gwen Wilson
"Preach the Word" Nicholas Kandoll
"My Lord, My Love" John Mason
"The Complaint of Isaiah" Jay Weidner
"God Is Love" Gordon Kuusisto
"Fear of the Dark" Lois Matson
"The Trial of Our Faith" Ivan Seppala
"A Letter to a Beloved Friend" Martin Luther
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May 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Comfort of the Spirit" Martin Luther
"At Eventide" Christian Observer
"The Faith of Jonathan" Charles Korhonen
"The Light of the Word" Martin Luther
"Does Jesus Care?" Gwen Wilson
"Treasure" Mike Kulla
"Confession and Absolution" Book of Common Prayer
"The Sure Word of Prophecy" Ron Holmgren
"Christ Resurrected" Phil Wilson
"Living in Exile" Lois Matson
"Words Without Knowledge" Jay Weidner
2020 Annual ALC Convention and Meeting Notice
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April 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Seed of Abraham" Chuck Bylkas
"The True Shepherd" Martin Luther
"Faith Alone" Formula of Concord
"Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday" Bryan Wolfmueller
"Man and His Saviour" Christian Scriver
"Easter" Gwen Wilson
"An Admonition to Stand Firm in the Faith" Paul Kretzmann
"I've an Address in Canaan" Gordon Kuusisto
"He Lives, and So Shall We!" Wittenberg Academy
"Feeding the Flock" Lois Matson
"A Sure Foundation" Jason Salmi
"Let Us Laugh" Martin Luther
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March 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Exodus of Jesus" Nicholas Kandoll
"The Gospel Is the Power of God" Paul Kretzmann
"The Article of Justification" Martin Luther
"Sons of the Free Woman" C.O. Rosenius
"What Shall I Say of a Chariot?" Bernard of Clairvaux
"Who Is Jesus to You?" Gwen Wilson
"The Doctrine of Faith and Good Works" Martin Luther
"The Gospel: Christ Is a Gift for You" Martin Luther
"He Washed It White as Snow" Gordon Kuusisto
"Good News" Lois Matson
"Three Temptations" Augustine
"The Christian Church" Defense of the Augsburg Confession
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February 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Costly Grace" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Repent and Believe the Gospel" Ron Holmgren
"Our Will" Rod Johnson
"Of Repentance" Smalcald Articles
"God and Jesus Always" Gwen Wilson
"The Righteousness of Faith" Formula of Concord
"On the Sacrament and Love" Martin Luther
Statement of Ownership
"What Is God's Will?" Lois Matson
"Faith Pleases God" R.D. Preus
"Book Recommendation: Lutheran Book of Prayer" Lois Matson
"Where the Water Meets the Shore" Gordon Kuusisto
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January 2020 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Forgiven and Forgiving" Jay Weidner
"Christ the Mediator" Book of Concord
"Blessed Are the Peacemakers" Alvin Holmgren
"Blessed Are Ye" Phil Wilson
2020 ALC Calendar Notice
"Wise Men See a New Star" Gwen Wilson
"The Difference Between the Law and the Gospel" Martin Luther
"Book Recommendation: Life Together" Stan Lampinen
"As Newborn Babes" Lois Matson
"The Error of Confusing Justification and Sanctification" Steven Anderson
"The Love of Riches" Paul Coponen
"In the Arms of Jesus" Gordon Kuusisto
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December 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Glory to God in the Highest" Don Salo
"The Word Made Flesh" C.O. Rosenius
2020 ALC Calendar Notice
"Unto You Is Born a Savior" Martin Luther
"Force of Depth of Holy Scriptures" Aphrahat
"Good Tidings of Great Joy" Gwen Wilson
"The Purpose of Holy Scriptures" Paul Kretzmann
"Book Recommendation: The Book of Concord" Gene Mixon
"The Power of the Word" Martin Luther
"Fear, Love, and Trust in God" Lois Matson
"Not Knowing" Shirley Lampinen
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November 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"A Teacher's Qualifications" Wayne Juntunen
"The Comforter" Beth Staudinger
"Sing Praise to the Lord" Henry W. Baker
"What Is Your Name?" Jaakko Rahja
2020 ALC Calendar Notice
"A Time of Thanksgiving" Gwen Wilson
"A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day" Book of Common Prayer
"Rejoice with Thanksgiving" Martin Luther
"His Work in Us" C.O. Rosenius
"We Sin Because We're Sinners" Lois Matson
"'Tis the Season" Bill Payne
"Book Recommendation: Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman" Jason Salmi
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October 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Lord's Supper" C.O. Rosenius
"Where Are You?" Martin Luther
"Who Are You?" Mark Sunnarborg
"God's Voice Like Thunder" Gwen Wilson
"The Teaching Ministry" Wayne Juntunen
"The Best Wine" Paul Coponen
"Family Calling" James A. Nestingen
"Life Is a Gift" Nicholas Kandoll
"The Blame Game" Lois Matson
"The Word of God Brings Life" Chuck Bylkas
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September 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Spirit and the Flesh" Martin Luther
"On My Heart Imprint Thine Image" Thomas Kingo
"Three Broken Ladders" Bryan Wolfmueller
"Seven Things the Lord Hates" Gwen Wilson
"Ye Shall Be Free Indeed" Nicholas Kandoll
Back to School Bible Verses
"The True Liberty of the Gospel" Paul Kretzmann
"On the Lord's Prayer" Cyprian
"Angels in the Life of Our Lord" Lois Matson
"That Good Part" Chuck Bylkas
"Our Sun and Shield" Paul Coponen
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August 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
75th Anniversary Edition:
"Greetings" W.A. Karvonen
"An English Christian Monthly" Carl Kulla
"A Little Background" Alvar Helmes
Upcoming Services Schedule
"Justification" Andrew Mickelsen
"The Holy Scriptures" Martin Luther
"75 Years and Counting" Gwen Wilson
Copper Country Fall Services Invitation
"Original Sin" Formula of Concord
Sunday School Materials List
"Concerning Christian Liberty" Martin Luther
"Big C, Little C, What Begins with C?" Lois Matson
"Effects of Law and Gospel" C.F.W. Walther
"The Whole and the Sick" Paul Coponen
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July 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"God's Peace" Orval Wirkkala
"What Then Really Is the Lord's Supper?" Jouko Talonen
"Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle" V. Fortunatus
"God Knows Everything About You" Gwen Wilson
"Your Faith Has Saved You" Nicholas Kandoll
"Law and Gospel" Formula of Concord
Western Fall Services Invitation
"The Tree of Life" Lois Matson
"Our National Heritage" Gene Mixon
"What Do You Fear?" Savonarola
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June 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"A Gracious Father" Orval Wirkkala
"Grandpa's Reflections: Living Water" Bruce Sannes
"What God Hath Joined Together" Elmer Yliniemi
"Healing from the Ancient Wound" Irenaeus
"The Good Shepherd" Gwen Wilson
"Bon Voyage" Helmi Kivisto
"In Loving Memory of Carl Niemitalo" Donna Weisser
"Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Girl" Lois Matson
"Christ Is Our Peace" Dennis Hannu
"Early Church Fathers" Anthony Dodgers
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May 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"If We Walk in the Light" Nicholas Kandoll
"Behold Your God!" John Ruotsala
"Love Your Enemies" Phil Wilson
"The Grave Could Not Hold Him" Gwen Wilson
"Abide in the Vine" Jason Salmi
"Jesus and His Mother" Albert Barnes
"The Light of the World" Lois Matson
"Alive in Christ" Evan Goeglein
"The Grace of God in Christ" Augustine
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April 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Praise the Lord for His Goodness" Dennis Hannu
"To Redeem Them" C.O. Rosenius
"Fear Nothing" Travis Seppala
"Cleanse Me" Shirley Lampinen
"Jesus Christ Is Crucified" Gwen Wilson
"Resurrection: An Uproar in Nature" Paul Kretzmann
"Right and Wrong Fire" Andrew Mickelsen
Kingston MN Convention Invitation
"Red + Red = White" Lois Matson
"Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands" Martin Luther
Annual Meeting Notice
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March 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Conduct of a True Christian and Its Reward" Paul Kretzmann
"The Holy Spirit: Grace and Truth" Orval Wirkkala
"In Your Light" Scott R Murray
"The Brightness of the Divine Mystery" Hilary of Poitiers
"Praise With All Your Heart" Saint Anselm
"Waxed Strong in Spirit" Gwen Wilson
"Faith Is a Gift" Stan Lampinen
"The Theology of the Cross" Martin Luther
"The Comfort of the Gospel" C.F.W. Walther
"No Choice At All" Lois Matson
"Jesus Only" Jay Weidner
"The Communion of Saints" H.E. Wisloff
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February 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Exhortation" W. A. Karvonen
"The Trial of Our Faith" Dave Impola
"Our Reasonable Service" Chuck Bylkas
"The King of the Ages" Paul Kretzmann
"Made in His Image" Gwen Wilson
"The Glory of the Gospel" Martin Luther
"The Right Place of Watching" A Laitinen
"The King of Kings" Lois Matson
"Poverty and Blessedness" Andrew Mickelsen
"Our Savior Paid Double" Joel Kandoll
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January 2019 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Serving the Lord!" Rod Johnson
"Christ in You, the Hope of Glory" Dennis Hannu
"The Greatest Commandment" Jason Salmi
"The Debt We Owe to Love" Martin Luther
"Seek the Lord with All Your Heart" Gwen Wilson
"Of Love and the Fulfilling of the Law" Apology to Augsburg Confession
2019 ALC Calendars
"Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Is Come" Martin Luther
"Love Your Neighbor" Lois Matson
"The Law Kills, the Gospel Makes Alive" Bryan Wolfmueller
"The Relationship with the Creator" Mark Aho
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December 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"According to Saint Luke" chapter 2
"Christmas" Ken Storm
"The Law and the Gospel" Apology to the Augsburg Confession
"Letter and Spirit" C.F.W. Walther
"The External Word of God" Phillip Cary
"Christmas" Gwen Wilson
"God's Grace Received Must Be Bestowed" Martin Luther
"Glory to God in the Highest" Nicholas Kandoll
"Not Dead Letters" Lois Matson
"The Mystery of Christmas" Chuck Bylkas
2019 ALC Calendar Notice
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November 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Give Thanks to God" Ken Storm
"God Is Good--Psalm 139" Dave Impola
"Be Strong in the Lord" Travis Seppala
"Through Death to Life" Martin Luther
"Thank You, God, for Everything" Gwen Wilson
2019 Apostolic Lutheran Church Calendars
"The Rainbow Covenant" Beth Staudinger
"The Lord's Prayer" Helmut Thielicke
"The Fountain of Life" Juho Kortesoja
"The Word of God" Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration
"The Perfect Sacrifice" Lois Matson
"Advent--He's Coming" Chuck Bylkas
"The Living Bread from Heaven" Ambrose
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October 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Jesus: I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" Nicholas Kandoll
"The Kingdom of Grace" Alvin Holmgren
"God Loves Us" Helmut Thielicke
"The Word of the Lord Saves" Lars Levi Laestadius
"Miracles" Gwen Wilson
"The Life of Luther" Gustav Koenig
"Communion with Christ" John Chrysostom
Statement of Ownership
"Moralistic Therapeutic Deism" Lois Matson
"Luther's Prayers" Martin Luther
"Jesus Christ, the Last Adam" Travis Seppala
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September 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Hear, and Your Soul Shall Live" Chuck Bylkas
"Two Kinds of Righteousness" Martin Luther
"The Spiritual Soldier" Paul Rantala
"Choose a Path of Wisdom" Gwen Wilson
"Christ Is My Righteousness" John Bunyan
"The Justification of Abraham" Paul Kretzmann
"My God, I Know That I Must Die" Stella Wilson
"Alien Righteousness" Lois Matson
"He Is Our Righteousness" Adolf Koberle
"If I Knew I Would Die in Three Days..." Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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August 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Dual Citizens" Jason Salmi
"We have a God..." F.W. Krummacher
"He the Pearly Gates Will Open" Dennis Hannu
"What Manner of Man Is This?" Nicholas Kandoll
"You Have a Freedom" Ray Stenersen
"Teach Me, O Lord" Gwen Wilson
"Every One That Loveth" C.O. Rosenius
"Mercy Rejoiceth Against Judgment" Leonard Typpo
Sunday School Materials List
"The Breath of Life" Lois Matson
"Time" Jay Weidner
"Death is indeed an awful and undefeated tyrant..." Martin Luther
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July 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Exhortation" W.A. Karvonen
"Liberty" Martin Luther
"What Advantage?" Ron Holmgren
"The Holy Spirit Lives in Us" Gwen Wilson
"The Holy Spirit Comforter" CM for Children
"God's Righteousness" Mark Sunnarborg
"Thy Strong Word" Martin Franzmann
"The Lost Sheep" Martin Luther
"The Word of God" Theodore Schmauk
"Forever Love" Lois Matson
"Christian Community" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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June 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"A Joyful Heart!" Mark Sunnarborg
"Three-in-One" Charles Bergstedt
"The Three Ecumenical Creeds" Wikipedia
"The Apostles' Creed" Book of Concord
"The Nicene Creed" Book of Concord
"The Athanasian Creed" Book of Concord
"Oh, How He Loves Us!" Gwen Wilson
"Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock" Alvin Holmgren
"The Living Water" John Ruotsala
"Saints and Sinners" Lois Matson
"The Father's Love" Phil Wilson
"Meeting Notice" Central Board
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May 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Church's One Foundation" Nicholas Kandoll
"Honor" Chuck Bylkas
"The Power of the Tongue" Ken Helmes
"Joy at Emmaus" Gwen Wilson
"This Temporary World" Gerry Southerton
"The Right Application of the Law" Martin Luther
"The Atonement of the World" Lois Matson
"The Promise of Spring" Jay Weidner
"Mother" Judy Krankkala
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April 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"According to John" The Gospel of John, Chapter 20
"At the Rising of the Sun" Alvin Holmgren
"Victory in Jesus" Eugene Bartlett
"Our Great High Priest" Martin Luther
"Let no one grieve at his poverty..." John Chrysostom
"He Fought and Conquered" Irenaeus
"Jesus Dies to Save Us" Gwen Wilson
"By His Resurrection" Martin Luther
"My Help Comes From the Lord" Dennis Hannu
"The Mystery of the Atonement" Paul Rantala
"Great Art Thou, O Lord" Augustine
"The Word of the Lord" Lois Matson
"For You, For Me" Wiljo Kandoll
"Lord, Enthroned in Heav'nly Splendor" George Hugh Bourne
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March 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Innocent Delivered Up for the Guilty" Ken Storm
"My Doctrine Is Not Mine, But His that Sent Me" Alvin Holmgren
"The Wonderful Exchange" Martin Luther
"He Was Made Sin for Us" Martin Luther
"Faithful to the End--A Crown Be Given" Gwen Wilson
"The Revelation of God" Travis Seppala
"Be Reconciled to God" Paul Kretzmann
"He Was Forsaken" Lois Matson
"Daily Bread" Jason Salmi
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February 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Arise, Shine" Chuck Bylkas
"The Transfiguration of Our Lord" Nicholas Kandoll
"The Grace of God in Christ" St Augustine
"The Word of God" Martin Luther
"The Church" C.F.W. Walther
"Our Jesus" Gwen Wilson
"The Witness of the Spirit" Orval Wirkkala
"Christian Charity" C.O. Rosenius
"He Loves Us!" Lois Matson
"Jesus Came to Gift Us" Ron Holmgren
"The Heritage of the Children of God" Steven E. Anderson
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January 2018 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Work of God" Carl Kulla
"Christ, the Light—Our Life, Our Joy" Alvin Holmgren
2018 ALC Calendar Notice
"I Am the Bread of Life" Dennis Hannu
"Gifts for a King" Gwen Wilson
"The Privilege of Those Who Believe" Joel Baker
"Confession of Faith" Hermann Sasse
"The Large Catechism: Second Article" Martin Luther
"Life Is a Real Vapor" Lois Matson
"The Call of Jesus" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"The Name of Jesus" P. Ystad
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December 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Facts of Christmas" Mark Matson
"The Birth of the Savior" Paul Kretzmann
"The Step He Made" Ken Klaus
"What shall I say!" John Chrysostom
"Love Came Down" Orval Wirkkala
"Give Me a Compassionate Heart" Johann Arndt
"Christmas" Gwen Wilson
"Let God Be God" Philip Johnson
"How Do You Know if God Loves You?" Bryan Wolfmueller
2018 Calendar Notice
"Bearing Fruit" Lois Matson
"Almighty Framer of the Skies" Thomas Chatterton
"The Inn Was Full" Martin Luther
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November 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"In Times of Chaos" Jay Weidner
"The Good News" Orval Wirkkala
"When the Light Enters" Lars Levi Laestadius
"Give Thanks Unto the Lord" Gwen Wilson
"God's Ways" Nicholas Kandoll
"The Law and the Gospel" Martin Luther
"The Voice of the Shepherd" Paul Kretzmann
2018 ALC Calendar Notice
"Union with Christ" Lois Matson
"The Season of Advent" Chuck Bylkas
"Advent" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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October 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Righteous Shall Live by Faith" Bryan Wolfmueller
"The Sower" Chuck Bylkas
"The School of the Holy Spirit" Uuras Saarnivaara
"Precious Daughter Rescued from the Devil" Gwen Wilson
"Luther Speaks" Martin Luther
"Who Do We Say Jesus Is?" Doug Saukkola
"The Chastisement of the Lord" V.A. Juntunen
"The Shepherd-Character of the Lord" H.A. Ironside
Statement of Ownership and Circulation
"Our Refuge and Strength" Lois Matson
"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" Jay Weidner
"Soon Thou Wilt Come!" J.W.H. Nichols
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September 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Salvation--God or Man?" Wayne Juntunen
"Christ Has Redeemed Us" Ansten Tretten
"My Reflection on the Summation of the Gospel" Marian Halberg
"Does Jesus Care?" Gwen Wilson
"The Call to Teach" Nicholas Kandoll
"Eternal Things" Joel Kandoll
"The Bread of Life" Don Salo
"To God Be the Glory" Dave Impola
"All Things" Lois Matson
"The Luther Rose and Three Solas: The Reformation #4" Various Authors
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August 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Word of God Is Not Bound" Orval Wirkkala
"Speak the Truth in Love" Jason Salmi
"Good, Bad or In Between" Bryan Wolfmueller
"Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors" Gwen Wilson
"The Church's Message" Hermann Sasse
Sunday School Materials List
"Faith Is a Living, Unshakeable Confidence" Martin Luther
"A Wife to Love and Live With in Peace" Mark Matson
"Christian Knowledge" Paul Kretzmann
"Believing Is Seeing" Lois Matson
"The Reformation #3" J.H. Merle D'Aubigne
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July 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"God's Love Has Made Us Real" Chuck Bylkas
"Bless the Lord" Dennis Hannu
"Perfect Love Casts Our Fear" Bruce Estola
"The Peace that Passes Understanding" Mark Matson
"The Psalms" Gwen Wilson
"The Blessing of Domestic Life" Martin Luther
"What If...?" Jay Weidner
"Strength from the Lord" Joel Baker
"God Remembers Our Sin No More" Lois Matson
"Reformation Sermon of 1845:
The Reformation #2" C.F.W. Walther
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June 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"One and the Same" Nathan Juntunen
"Didymus" Elmer Yliniemi
"Fatherhood" Nicholas Kandoll
"Their Eyes Were Opened" Phil Wilson
"On the Road to Emmaus" Gwen Wilson
"A Letter from Heaven to the Graduate" Orval Wirkkala
"The Good Samaritan" Martin Luther
"Come and See" Lois Matson
"The Invention of the Printing Press: The Reformation #1" Alvin Holmgren
"Footwashing" Martin Luther
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May 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Be Still, My Soul" Jason Salmi
"Two Covenants" Juuso Runtti
"The Sun of Righteousness" Fred Johnson
"Jesus Does Miracles" Gwen Wilson
"The Innocence of the Christ" Martin Luther
"A Lesson in Humility" Paul Kretzmann
"Christ--A Ransom for Many" Charles Hodges
"What Now Is the Treasure?" Martin Luther
"The Ransom for Sin" Lois Matson
"The Apostle's Creed: Article III" Martin Luther
"The Power of the Divine Word" Hermann Sasse
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April 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"He Is Risen" Nicholas Kandoll
"Theology of the Cross" Hermann Sasse
"Maundy Thursday" Dennis Hannu
"The Kingdom of Grace" Alvin Holmgren
"The Bond of God's Love" Clement of Rome
"Follow Me--I Make All Things New" Gwen Wilson
"Consolation for the Exile" Eino Miettunen
"The Comfort of Christ's Sufferings" Martin Luther
"Cunningly Devised Fables" Lois Matson
"Be Not Afraid" Paul Kretzmann
Annual Meeting Notice
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March 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
Have Mercy, O God: Book of Common Prayer
Prayer: Ansten Tretten
Planted Together with Christ: Author Unknown
On Faith, and Coming to Christ: Martin Luther
Jesus Is Tempted in the Wilderness: Gwen Wilson
Jezebel: Charles Korhonen
The Victory over Worry and Fear: Mark Matson
True Comfort: Paul Kretzmann
Untempered Mortar: Paul Coponen
The Fear of the Devil: Lois Matson
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled: John Ruotsala
Fear of God: Gerhardt O. Forde
Sinless, Impeccable Christ: C.F.W. Walther
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February 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"New Birth" Arnold Anderson
"Baptized into Christ" C.O. Rosenius
"The Most Dangerous Thing in the World" Bryan Wolfmueller
"Down from Glory--Veiled in Flesh" Gwen Wilson
"The Water of Life" H.A. Ironside
"Apostle Peter's Enlightenment" Arne Nordahl
"Our Firm Foundation" John Ruotsala
"Why Stand Ye Idle?" Liberty's Clarion
"Pride and Joy" Lois Matson
"Made Acceptable by Christ" Walter Ketola
"Living by the Word" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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January 2017 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"All Things Are Become New" Chuck Bylkas
"Christ Our Great High Priest" Martin Luther
"Lord Jesus, Come Yourself" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"The Epiphany" Nicholas Kandoll
"Mark Well This Fact" Martin Luther
"Wise Men Come" Gwen Wilson
"The Gospel Is Always a Surprise" Bryan Wolfmueller
"Another Year Is Dawning" Frances Havergal
"Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace" Paul Kretzmann
2017 ALC Calendar
"Our Great High Priest" Lois Matson
"He Holds Tomorrow" A.W. Tozer
"Lift High the Cross" G.W. Kitchen & M.R. Newbolt
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December 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Have You Seen the Light?" Andrew Mickelson
"The Gift of Life" Jay Weidner
Prayer: Donny Matson
"The Washing of Regeneration" C.O. Rosenius
"The Work of God" Paul Coponen
"Down From His Glory" Gwen Wilson
"The Name of Jesus" Martin Luther
"The Evidence of a True Christian" Wayne Juntunen
2017 ALC Calendars Available
"The Birth of the Christ" Lois Matson
"Why Jesus Came in the Flesh" Bryan Wolfmueller
2017 ALC Convention Invitation
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November 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"As Heaven Is High Above the Earth" C.O. Rosenius
"An Exhortation to a Christian Life" Mark Matson
"How Very Precious Is the Blood of Christ" Paul Coponen
"A Scene in Glory" John Ruotsala
"God's Daily Mercy" Fredrik Wisloff
"Give Thanks Unto God" Gwen Wilson
"No Greater Love" Gene Mixon
"Faith Alone Makes Us Good" Martin Luther
"Lift Up Your Heads" Dennis Hannu
"The Celebration of Advent" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"God's Not a Racist" Lois Matson
"Giving Thanks" Chuck Bylkas
"Recipients of the Bounties of Heaven" Abraham Lincoln
"O Eternal and Everlasting God" George Washington
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October 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Justified by Faith" Nicholas Kandoll
"The Birds and the Flowers" Martin Luther
"The 23rd Psalm" Paul Kretzmann
"Original Sin" & "Jesus—the Exact Imprint of the Father" Christian Monthly for Children
"How a Person Obtains Forgiveness of Sins" Matti Suo
"Spiritual Plagiarism" Charles Korhonen
Prayer: Dr C Freeman
"Where Are You?" Lois Matson
"The God of Infinite Mercy" Matthew Henry
"In the Image of God" St Augustine
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September 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Passage of Time" Jay Weidner
"Seek Those Things Which Are Above" Wayne Juntunen
"United with Christ" Augustine of Hippo
"Love and Trust the Lord!" Rod Johnson
"The Righteousness of God" Martin Luther
"God Is Merciful and Judgment Is His" Gwen Wilson
"What Is a Hymn?" Edith Margaret Clarkson
"The Kingdom of Christ" Martin Luther
"A Poem: Psalm 51" Isaac Watts
"Daily 'Conversation'" Lois Matson
"God's Exceeding Grace" Chuck Bylkas
"Knowing God" Paul Kretzmann
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August 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Kept by the Power of God Through Faith" Wayne Juntunen
"Carest Thou Not...?" Nicholas Kandoll
"Christ, the Ransom for Many" Paul Kretzmann
"Behold My Servant!" Dennis Hannu
"Look for the Word" Ansten Tretten
"The Sacrament of the Altar" CM for Children
"The Bread of Life" Nathan Juntunen
"The Sacrament of the Altar" Mark Matson
"What Think Ye of Christ?" A.B. Anderson
SS Materials List
"The Body of Christ" Lois Matson
"The Difference Between 'Of' and 'In'" Ted Matson
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July 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Bond of Perfectness" Yrjo Pesamaa
"The Commandment to Pray" Martin Luther
"First Chord of Symphony" Ron Holmgren
"Life Without the Gospel" Bryan Wolfmueller
"The Cross and the Divine Paradox" A.W. Tozer
"God Is Our Refuge and Strength" Gwen Wilson
"Praises" Rachel Matson
"The Sonship of Believers" Paul Kretzmann
"The Sin Sick Soul" Mark Sunnarborg
"The Community of Christians" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Forever Life" Lois Matson
"In God We Still Trust!" Rod Johnson
"In Thee We Trust" Mable R. Miller
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June 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:

"To the Graduate" Wayne Juntunen
"God's Love" John Ruotsala
"Living, Daring, Confident Faith" Martin Luther
"The Awakening Call" Reuben O Peterson
"Jacob Returns to His Father" Gwen Wilson
"The Faith of the Leper" Martin Luther
"Without Christ, We Would Not Know God" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
" How Should We Pray?" Jill Carattini
"Abba! Father!" Lois Matson
Meeting Notice
"The Great Event" Ron Holmgren
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May 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Even So Send I You" Orval Wirkkala
"Hope Is One of the Theological Virtues" C.S. Lewis
"The Way of Salvation" Mark Sunnarborg
"The Divine Book" Martin Luther
"Jesus Sits at the Right Hand of God" Gwen Wilson
"On Faith, and Coming to Christ" Martin Luther
"Seasons of Life" Shirley Lampinen
"The Life-Giving Word" Lois Matson
"Being Content" Dave Impola
"Humility in Our Faith" Al Wuori
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April 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Certainty of the Resurrection" Chuck Bylkas
"Further Benefits of the Resurrection" Martin Luther
"Our Legacy" Orval Wirkkala
"All Things Must Be Fulfilled" Gwen Wilson
"Freedom to Love the Whole Word of God" Steven E Anderson
"The Love of God" Dennis Hannu
"Presenting: The Salvation of Mankind" Lois Matson
"The Great Serves the Mediocre" Jay Weidner
"The First Easter" Edgar Guest
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March 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Communion with Christ" John Chrysostom
"Miracles" Charles Korhonen
"Spirit of Power" Paul Matson
"Fruit of the Spirit" Mark Sunnarborg
"God's Way in Nature" Gwen Wilson
"In Him Was LIfe" Jay Weidner
"The Bible and Its Translations" Arne Nordahl
"Our Father, Thou in Heaven Above" Martin Luther
"The Bad News and the Good News" Lois Matson
"Article XXV: Of Confession" The Augsburg Confession
"Perfect Rest" Phil Wilson
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February 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Blessed Are the Pure in Heart" Alvin Holmgren
"Let Us Walk in the Light" Elmer Yliniemi
Spring Services in Minnesota
"The Lord's Table" Will Matson
"Simeon and Anna Praise God" Gwen Wilson
"Fairest Jesus" J.M. Njoroge
"In Loving Memory of Everett Hannu" Linda Goddard
"The Faithfulness of God" H.A. Ironside
"Things We Cannot Know" Lois Matson
"Lo, I Am With You Alway" Ron Holmgren
"God Sees Us" Shirley Lampinen
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January 2016 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Foolishness of Preaching" Gerry Southerton
"Joy: The Letter to the Philippians" Orval Wirkkala
"Liberty in Christ" Dave Impola
"Gifts for the King" Gwen Wilson
"Our Hope in the New Year" Jay Weidner
2016 ALCA Calendar Notice
"Heavenly Places" Dennis Hannu
"Do Not Fear" Lois Matson
"Behold the Glory of Christ" Octavius Winslow
"How Firm a Foundation" from Rippon's "A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors"
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December 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Star of Bethlehem" Matti Niskakangas
"Christmas Gifts" Mark Matson
"Comfort That Will Not Fade" Travis Seppala
"The Power of the Word of God" Martin Luther
2016 ALCA Calendar Notice
"Jesus Is Born, the Savior of Mankind" Gwen Wilson
"Our Blessed Heritage" Elmer Ylineimi
"Words of Comfort" John Ruotsala
Songbook Special
"Advent: Behold, He Comes!" Lois Matson
"Christmas Tidings" Martin Luther
"A Prayer for Christmas Morning" Henry Van Dyke
"Ring the Bells" Mary C. Seward
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November 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Confidence of the Pilgrims" Jay Weidner
"The Great Supper" L.L. Laestadius
"Our Many Blessings" Alvin Holmgren
"The Spirit Makes Intercession for Us" Paul Kretzmann
"Thanksgiving" Gwen Wilson
"The Apostles' Creed: Article II" Martin Luther
2016 ALCA Calendar Notice
"The Powers that Be" C.O. Rosenius
Songbook Special
"Not Only...!" Lois Matson
"Prayer for Ministers of the Gospel" James Mickelsen
"Peace with God" Charles Spurgeon
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October 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Fruit of Faith" Martin Luther
"Is Christ Your All in All?" Billy Kyllonen
"The Life of All Died on the Cross" Mark Sunnarborg
"Faith Comes By Hearing" Martin Luther
"I Am Thankful..." Gwen Wilson
"How Long, O Lord?" Henry Law
"Why We Baptize Children" Beth Staudinger
Statement of Ownership
"Adoption" Lois Matson
"God's Faithfulness to Us" Dave Impola
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September 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Taking Inventory" Joel Baker
"Signs and Seasons" Jay Weidner
"Two Covenants" Mark Matson
"The Essence of the Gospel" Mark Sunnarborg
"That I May Know Him" Ron Holmgren
"The Rich Man and Lazarus the Poor Man" Gwen Wilson
"The Apostles' Creed: Article 1" Martin Luther
"Re-Baptism" David Olson
"The Biggest Miracle" Donny Matson
"Let It Rain" Lois Matson
"The Value of Time" Rod Johnson
"The Mighty Conqueror" H.A. Ironside
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August 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Am I a Sojourner or a Settler?" Bruce Selin
"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" Orval Wirkkala
"To Everything a Season" Dennis Hannu
ALC Balm of Gilead Notice
"A Dumb Spirit Cast Out" Gwen Wilson
"True Happiness" Helia Aho
"Joy" Mark Matson
Sunday School Materials List
"The Jews and Prophecy" Beth Staudinger
"The City of God" Author Unknown
"We're Citizens of Heaven" Lois Matson
"Death to Life" Gerry Southerton
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July 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Good Shepherd" Rod Johnson
"A Free People" Alvin Holmgren
"The Beauty of Holiness" Tom Lappi
"God's Thoughts" Jay Weidner
"Sincere Praise" Isaac Watts
"Jacob and Esau" Gwen Wilson
"The Good Shepherd" Paul Kretzmann
"Good Tidings" Martin Luther
"The Voice of the Good Shepherd" Lois Matson
"Vocation" Kenneth A. Cherney, Jr
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June 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:

"Do Not Be Anxious" Nathan Juntunen
"To the Graduate" Waino Aili
"The Festival of Pentecost" Martin Luther
"Go Ye Into All the World" Gwen Wilson
"Training a Child" Rod Johnson
"Time After Pentecost" Charles Jousma
"He Was Made Sin for Us" C.O. Rosenius
"Children of Light" Lois Matson
"The Fourth Watch of the Night" Jay Weidner
"Christian History through Hymnology" Marilyn Karlsen
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May 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Our Focus Is Christ" Jay Weidner
"National Day of Prayer" H.E. Wisloff
"A Pastor Son's Letter to His Mother" Arnold Anderson
"The Heart of a True Believer" Mark Sunnarborg
"The True Light" Gwen Wilson
"The Gospel" James Smith
"A Historical Meeting of the Awakening Movement" Karl-Erik Innala
"Blessed Friendship" Rod Johnson
"The Object of Our Faith" Walter Ketola
"Though He Slay Me" Lois Matson
Meeting Notice: Central Board
Jorma Pesamaa Preaching Schedule
Correction to "Crux Theologorum"
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April 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Lamb of God" Elmer Yliniemi
"Lord, Revive Us Again" Andrew Mickelsen
"Not My Will But Thine Be Done" Gwen Wilson
"Now Is Christ Risen" Gary Kangas
"Blessings" Helen Holm
"An Easter Carol" Phillips Brooks
"Hosanna" Walter Ketola
"Here Comes the Bride" Lois Matson
"When My Life's Work Is Ended" Dave & Karen Impola
Portland Special Services
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March 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Season of Lent" Charles Jousma
"Crux Theologorum: The Theologians' Cross" Author Unknown
"God Speaking" Martin Luther
"What Manner of Child Shall This Be?" Gwen Wilson
"Hosanna!" Orval Wirkkala
"Lost People" Billy Kyllonen
"Beyond Scars" Jill Carattini
"Reach Out" Heather Darling-Cortes
"Our Sin-Debt Clock" Lois Matson
"The Joys of Lent" Jay Weidner
"Praises" Anselm Hjulfors
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February 2015 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Wait on the Lord" Andrew Mickelsen
"Love Is in the Air" Ryan Kandoll
"Will You Forgive Her, as God Has Forgiven Her?" Ryan C MacPherson
"We Have Seen His Star in the East" Gwen Wilson
"The Difference Between the Law and the Gospel" Martin Luther
2015 ALCA Convention Notice
"This Is True Love" Lois Matson
"The Author and Finisher" Steven E Anderson
"Refuge in the Lord God" Rod Johnson
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January 2105 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Armor of God" Orval Wirkkala
"We Face Tomorrow Without Fear" A.W. Tozer
"The Kingdom of God" Carl Niemitalo
"New Year Greeting" Ben Johnson
"God Provides" Gwen Wilson
"A Christian Wedding in India" Alvar Helmes, Syam Kumar
2015 ALCA Calendar Notice
"The Epiphany" Lois Matson
"Spiritual Leadership" Ryan Kandoll
"Thou Hast Indeed Made Manifest" Anna B. Hoppe
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December 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Divine Becomes Human" Chuck Bylkas
"The True Christmas Spirit" Andrew Mickelsen
"Waiting and Longing" Orval Wirkkala
"In Bethlehem of Judea" Alvin Holmgren
"The First Christmas" Gwen Wilson
"The Sermon for Christmas Eve" James T. Batchelor
"A Burst of Melody" H.A. Ironside
Songbook Special
Editor Address Change
2015 ALCA Calendars
"At Just the Right Time" Lois Matson
"Password" John Ruotsala
"Tell God All that Is In Your Heart" Francois Fenelon
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November 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Gratitude!" Rod Johnson
"But God...!" John Isaacson
"On Faith and Good Works" Raymond Hilman
"Men, Our Most Critical Need" A.W. Tozer
"Old Testament Books History" Gwen Wilson
"Apostle Paul's Conversion" Arne Nordahl
"Punctuation Marks" Roy Lessin
2015 ALCA Calendar Notice
Statement of Ownership
"Looking Up" Lois Matson
"Wait on the Lord" John Ruotsala
"The Communion of Our Blessed Savior" Martin Luther
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October 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" Alvin Holmgren
"In the Heat of the Day" Dennis & Marilyn Hilman
"Why Me, You May Ask" Mark Sunnarborg
"Heaven—Life Forever" Gwen Wilson
"Heaven" Mike Kulla
"Encouragement to Pray" Martin Luther
"Reformation Beginnings" J.H. Merle D'Aubigne
"Jude!" Lois Matson
"Guarding Our Hearts" Rodney Johnson
"As the Flower of the Field, He Flourisheth" Harvey Niska
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September 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Called to Our Work" Gene Edward Veith
"The Epistle to the Romans" Martin Luther
"Training, Teaching and Transition" Orval Wirkkala
"David and Goliath" Gwen Wilson
Fill in the Blanks
"This Is the Work of God" Ken Storm
"Our God Is Not Limited" Kaare Suhr
"Contentment" Gerry Southerton
"Hallelujah" Jill Carattini
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August 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Christian Fellowship" Orval Wirkkala
"Hewn Stone" Charles Korhonen
"Jesus Touched Him" John Ruotsala
"A Great Storm" Karen Helmes
"Idols Are Helpless" Gwen Wilson
"I Waited for the Lord My God" Author Unknown
"She's Gone to a Better Place" Alvar Helmes
Sunday School Materials List
"Olli Puljula" Aatu Laitinen
"The Good Shepherd" Martin Luther
"Times and Seasons—and Rainbows" Lois Matson
"Puppies Born Blind" L.L. Laestadius
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July 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"God's Leading Hand" A. Zoldners
"Citizens of Heaven" Elmer Yliniemi
"Blessing Into Blessing" Orval Wirkkala
"Plan of Redemption" A.W. Tozer
"The Ten Commandments" Gwen Wilson
"Worship the Living God" Mark Sunnarborg
"Live Every Moment" Sarah Helmes Traffie
"This Do, And Thou Shalt Live" Martin Luther
"Both Free and a Slave" Lois Matson
"That I May Know Him" Alexander MacLaren
"Jesus Only" Jay Weidner
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June 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Works of God" Gerry Southerton
"Encouraging Others in Faith" Orval Wirkkala
"God and Lamentation" Jill Carattini
"The Valley of Dry Bones" Gwen Wilson
"God Is the Answer" J. Vernon McGee
"Husbands and Wives" Shane Juuti
"Christianity Begins at Home" Wayne Juntunen
"In Memory of Alvin Amberg" Bill & Gitta Warren
"Gifts" Jay Matson
"First Preface to 'The Hymns of Martin Luther'—1884" Martin Luther
"Come, Christian Friend, and Help Us!" Alvar Helmes
Convention Notice
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May 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Fruits and Benefits of the Resurrection of Christ" Martin Luther
"An Emmaus Walk Never To Be Forgotten" Wayne Juntunen
"The Perfect One" Elaine Valitalo
"He Is Risen, As He Said" Gwen Wilson
"Concern for the Other" Dennis Hannu
"Jesus—The Resurrection and the Life" Chuck Bylkas
"Worthy Is the Lamb" James Smith
"Truth Is a Person" A.W. Tozer
"Table Manners" Andy Kandoll
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April 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
Risen and Victorious in Christ: Alvin Holmgren
At Easter Time: Ken Storm
The Old Cross and the New: A.W. Tozer
The Beauty of the Cross: Gwen Wilson
Light and Darkness: Wayne Juntunen
Living the Effects of the Resurrection: Orval Wirkkala
The (Scientific) Death of Jesus: John Ruotsala
The Crucified: Walter Ketola
The Alpha and Omega: Jay Weidner
Fullness of Joy: Robert Murray M'Cheyne
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March 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Hope in God" Orval Wirkkala
"Waiting on God" Andrew Murray
"Who the Great Man Is" James Meikle
"It Was on a Mountain" Gwen Wilson
"People in the Hedges" Ryan Kandoll
"The All-Sufficient Word" Shane Juuti
"Christian Tracts" Mark Sunnarborg
"The Bible—God's Word to Us" Timothy Mundiah
"For By Grace Are Ye Saved" Rod Johnson
"Amazing Grace" John Newton
"Christ Alone" Andrew Kandoll
2014 ALCA Convention Notice
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February 2014 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"God So Loved the World" John Ruotsala
"The Faithfulness of God" Orval Wirkkala
"Foretaste of Heaven" Alma D. Flinkman
"Christ, Our Rock" Wayne Juntunen
"Christian Liberty" John Bunyan
"Jesus Presented to the Lord" Gwen Wilson
"God's Love" Lily Niemitalo
"If the Son Shall Make You Free" Ron Holmgren
"God Is Kindly Disposed Toward Us" Martin Luther
"Are You Ready?" Charles Korhonen
"The Pilgrim's Wants" Author Unknown
"Greetings to the Zion of God" Carl Kulla
"Subject to None, Subject to All" Martin Luther
"The Power of Prayer" Timothy Mundiah
"Joy: the Fruit of Faith" Martin Luther
"The Goodness of the Creator" St Augustine
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January 2014 Christian Monthly: "Jesus Came for Sinners" Travis Seppala
"The Acceptable Year of the Lord" Dennis Hannu
"More Precious Than Gold" Arnold B Anderson
"If a Man Love Me, He Will Keep My Words" Kaare Suhr
"Hearing God's Word" Martin Luther
"The Lord's Messengers" Frances R Havergal
"O Come, Let Us Adore Him" Gwen Wilson
"Heavenly Bread" Dr Syam Kumar
"Life's Harvest" John E Anderson
"From Death to Life" Jonathan Edwards
"Our Spiritual Service" Martin Luther
"Come Unto Me" Ken Storm
2014 ALCA Calendar Notice
"Judge Not" Orval Wirkkala
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December 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Growth in Grace" F.W. Krummacher
"Peace of God" Orval Wirkkala
"Never Alone" Rachel Tulloch
"The Cross" Catherine Marshall
"A Son for Christmas" Gwen Wilson
"The Light of Life" Elmer Yliniemi
"Growing in Grace" Don Salo
Songbook Special
"In Memory of Jouko Valitalo" Matti Valitalo
2014 ALCA Calendar Notice
"They That Are His Own" Andrew Mickelsen
"The Dayspring" Ron Holmgren
"Draw Closer" A.B. Anderson
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November 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Behold the Lamb of God" Cal Niemela
"The Truth Will Make You Free" Elmer Yliniemi
"God Seen in Christ" William Lincoln
"Thank You, Lord" Charles Bergstedt
"Give Thanks" Mark Matson
"A Chosen Vessel" Lois Matson
"The Twelve Apostles" Lois Matson
"The Orphan's Plea" Alvar Helmes
"Benediction" Walter Ketola
"Simple Childlike Faith" Mark Sunnarborg
"Giving Thanks" Jim Maunu
2014 ALCA Convention Notice
2014 ALCA Calendar Notice
"God Is True" Jay Weidner
"Four Freedoms" Norman Rockwell
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October 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" Dennis Hannu
"Love By the Spirit" Martin Luther
"When I Say I Am a Christian" Carol Wimmer
"The Pure and the Lovely" Jay Weidner
"He's Holding On" Leona Matson
"Christians Are Like Sheep" Gwen Wilson
"New Ipswich ALC History" Roland Goddard
"Hear and Your Soul Shall Live" Chuck Bylkas
"Preface to the New Testament" Martin Luther
"Children of the Heavenly Father" Hymn History
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September 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Spirit and Truth" Ron Holmgren
"Prayer for the New School Year" Annie Barnsdale
"Removing the Veil" A.W. Tozer
Memoriam: Elsie Wirkkala
"Scripture Concerning Children" Gwen Wilson
"Deeper, Deeper" Jorge Aguilar
"Believing God" Martin Luther
"The Goodness and Grace of God" Mark Sunnarborg
"The Service of God" Jamon Holmgren
"Go and Sin No More" John Ruotsala
"Make Supplication with Joy" F.B. Meyer
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August 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"A Rest to the People of God" Rafael Kurtti
"Refresh the Brethren" Watchman Nee
"Why Do We Come to Church?" Kevin Sarkela
"The Bible Stands Alone" A. Galloway
"Lot's Wife Becomes a Pillar of Salt" Gwen Wilson
"A Libel Against God" A.W. Tozer
"I Look, I Listen, I Hear, I See!" Mark Sunnarborg
"In My Flesh Dwells No Good Thing" John Bunyan
"God Is Calling" Frank N. Prouty
"The Forgiveness of Sins" Martin Luther
"A Pentecost Season" Phil Wilson
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July 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Be Merciful" Martin Luther
"To Redeem Them That Were Under the Law" C.O. Rosenius
"Cornerstone of Human Government" John Adams
"This One Is for You!" Mark Sunnarborg
"We Are to Pray and Not Worry" Al Wuori
"Grace—An Act of God" Gerhard O. Forde
"Bible Fill-In" Gwen Wilson
"Worthy Is the Lamb" Isaac Watts
"The Millennium" John H. Lumijarvi
"Words Without Knowledge" Jay Weidner
"The Power of Prayer" James C. Wallace
"God's Work" H.A. Ironside
"Expected" Leona Matson
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June 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Out of Death Springs Life" Jesse Aho
"Seek Ye First" James Orr
"God in Three Persons" Martin Luther
"Be Still and Know" Chuck Bylkas
"A Lame Man Is Healed" Gwen Wilson
"God So Loved the World" Will Matson
"Consider the Times" Mark Sunnarborg
"History of the Hockinson ALC" Lois Matson
"Praises" Rachel Matson
"Meeting Notice" Central Board
"Preaching Schedule Harry Ylipaa"
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May 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Living Church" Ken Storm
"A Rushing Mighty Wind" Elmer Yliniemi
"Clothes" Ted Matson
"Happy Mothers' Day" Jay Weidner
"Jesus Loves You" Gwen Wilson
"John the Baptist" A.W. Tozer
"Remember" Martha Kulla
"Creation and Redemption" Bernard of Clairvaux
"The Acceptable Churches" Beth Staudinger
"My Boast" Rhoda L. Olin
"Cross of Calvary" John E. Anderson
"The Young Christian" Margaret Mariuro
"Righteousness by Faith" Benjamin Jowett
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April 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Destroy This Temple" Mark Aho
"Our Sinking Ship—Does Jesus Care?" Alan Redpath
"Stand Strong in Faith" Mark Sunnarborg
"In the Beginning" Excerpt from "Knowing About Jesus Christ"
"The Paradox" J. Hart
"Jesus Is Risen" Gwen Wilson
"Love One Another" Matti Suo
"Parents and Children" Ken Storm
"Godly Wisdom" Joel Baker
"Feed My Sheep" Phebe Johnson
"Elijah the Tishbite" F.W. Krummacher
"Thou Shalt Not Kill" Martin Luther
"The Sower" William Cowper
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March 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Easter = Victory" Andrew Kandoll
"For You, For Me" Wiljo Kandoll
"Bright Hope for Tomorrow" Mark Sunnarborg
"Lent" Martin Luther
"Victorious I Will Rise Again" Gwen Wilson
"Victorious! Victorious!" Priscilla J Owens
"Our Blessed Heritage: History of the Spruce Grove ALC" Miriam Yliniemi
"The Water of Life" Reino Maunu
"The Promise of Resurrection" Martin Luther
"The Preaching of the Cross" Carl Kulla
"Stand Fast" Selected
"The Lord Appeared to Simon" Alexander MacLaren
"Victory in Jesus!" Eliza E Hewitt
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February 2013 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Gift of God" Mark Sunnarborg
"God Is Love" Carl Kulla
"Thy Will Be Done" Alvin Holmgren
"Bear One Another's Burdens" Martin Luther
"Jesus Confounds the Wise" Gwen Wilson
"Love" Rachel Matson
"He Loves Us" C.H.V. Bogatzky
"Love, the Spirit's Fruit Received by Faith" Martin Luther
"Faithfulness" Al Wuori
"When Christ calls a man..." Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Doing Good" Jay Weidner
"My Friend Jesus Christ" Author Unknown
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January 2013: Articles:
"Jesus Christ the Same" Gene Mixon
"The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ" Mark Sunnarborg
Did You Know?
"The Fear of the Lord" Andrew Kandoll
"The Great Physician" John Newton
"Wise Men from Afar, Led by a Star" Gwen Wilson
"True Christianity" Jesse Fraki & L.L. Laestadius
"The Way to the New Song" Andrew Murray
"Are We Living in the Time of Noah?" Daniel Reagan
"Epiphany" poem Anna B. Hoppe
2013 Calendar Notice
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December 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"He Lifted Me Out of the Miry Clay" Albert Impola
"Star of the East" Rhoda Olin
"Lake Worth ALC History" Alv Sakrisson
"Do You Hear What I Hear? Part 3-Christmas" Gwen Wilson
"Where Have All the Soul Winners Gone?" Elmer Liimatta
"Believe All That Don't" Kaisha Goddard
"Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" Lois Matson
Songbook Special--Book Concern
"He That Is Without Sin" Author Unknown
"Unto Us a Child Is Born" John Newton
"Praise the Lord" James Montgomery
2013 Calendar Notice--Corrie Karlsen
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November 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Abounding in Thanksgiving" Jay Weidner
"We Give Thanks" Didache
"Thank You, Lord" Ken Storm
"Did You Know?"
"What We Believe" Edith Bisila
"Service" Sadhu Sundar Singh
"Do You Hear What I Hear? Part II" Gwen Wilson
"Refuge in the Word" Ansten Tretten
"Cancer of Sin" Amy Storm
"The Heavy-Hearted" Nathan Juntunen
"We Thank Thee" Robert Louis Stevenson
"What Hope?" Stuart McAllister
"The Gospel" John Muller
"Teach Us to Number Our Days" Alvin Holmgren
2012 Calendar Announcement
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October 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
Luther at the Wartburg" J.H. Merle D'Aubigne
"The Apostles' Creed" Martin Luther
"Did You Know?"
"The Thoughts and Ways of God" Travis Seppala
"Whom Did God Send?" from the Epistle to Diognetus
"Do You Hear What I Hear?" Gwen Wilson
"Why Does Our Church Baptize Babies?" Scott Niemitalo
"Please Vote" Elaine Valitalo
"The Journey of Sheep" I'Ching Thomas
"To Understand Grace" Tom Lappi
"Primitive Christianity and the Reformation" J.H. Merle D'Aubigne
"As My Father Hath Sent Me, So Send I You" Wayne Juntunen
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September 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"God's Plan for Me" Don Salo
"The Apostles' Creed: Part 2" Martin Luther
Did You Know?
"New York Mills ALC History" Louise Amberg
"Adam and Eve" Gwen Wilson
"Fellowship and Unity" Chuck Bylkas
"Education" William Arnot
"God Is Greater Than Our Heart" L.L. Laestadius
"Self-Unforgiveness" Ifeoma Odunukwe
"Waiting on God: The Keynote of Life" Andrew Murray
"The Generation of Species" Martin Luther
"Watch and Pray" Ken Storm
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August 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Does Jesus Christ Reign Supreme in Your Heart?" Dave Impola
"The Apostles' Creed: Part 1" Martin Luther
Did You Know?
"To the Unsaved" Urho Coponen
Christian History Through Hymnology Announcement
"This Little Booklet" Gwen Wilson
"Unmistakable Religion" Horatius Bonar
"The Life Story of John Raattama"
"As Disciples of Old" Rachel Ellen Roberts
"This Man Receiveth Sinners" Selected
Western Fall Services Announcement
"The Lost Prayer" Author Unknown
Book Concern Sunday School Materials List
"Only One Life" C.T. Studd
"The Storm is Ours" Newman Hall
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July 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Solid Foundation" Ron Holmgren
"God Is Faithful to His Promises" Travis Seppala
"Praise" Henry Law
Did You Know?
"The Time of Our Visitation" Beth Staudinger
Memoriam: Rudella (Della) Nelson
"A Piece of Saul's Robe" Gwen Wilson
"Jesus—Full of Grace and Truth" W. Torola
"Small Town Preachers" Andy Kandoll
Fall Services Invitation Tapiola Congregation
"Drugs, Alcohol, Pornography and Abuse" David Olson
"Time" Joy Bergstedt
"The Christian Walk" Shane Juuti
"True Faith" A. W. Tozer
"It's Between Me and God" Cara Mae Helmes
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June 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Generous Householder" Chuck Bylkas
"In Adam All Die... In Christ Shall All Be Made Alive" Cal Niemela
"Did You Know?"
"The Marriage Feast" Martin Luther
"Because He Loves Me So" Gwen Wilson
"From the Mission Hospital in India" K. Syam Kumar
"Your Reasonable Service" Dennis Hannu
"Berkeley ALC History" Mary Ann Karlsen
"The Office of the Holy Spirit" Jim Maunu
"Love Makes Us Servants" Martin Luther
"You're Special" Ted Griffin
"Stepping in Your Steps" Mrs. Avery Stuttle
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May 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Mother Love—The Gift of God" J.N. Thompson
"One Flesh" Jorma Pesamaa
"Did You Know?"
"Spiritual Gifts" Alvin Holmgren
"A Christian's Daily Schedule" C.O. Rosenius
"Believe in Me" Gwen Wilson
"Daily Bread" Edward M. Bounds
"Little Children's Relationship with God" Arne Nordahl
"Memory" David Olson
Preaching Schedule for Stig-Erik Enkvist
"Memories" Nancy Helmes
"Life Is Short" Author Unknown
Meeting Notice
"Mother's Day" W. Jack Hurula
Western Fall Services Invitation
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April 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"By the President of the United States. A Proclamation." Abraham Lincoln
"The Atonement" Kenneth B. Hendrickson
"The Fight of Faith" Wayne Juntunen
Book Concern Item List
"Our Hope of Glory—Jesus" Gwen Wilson
"Judging. Gossiping." Bethany Helmes
"Share the Gospel" Shane Juuti
"Polycarp to the Philippians" translated Rick Brannan
"In Memory of Ruth Johnson" Phebe Johnson
"Do you understand me, sinful soul?" John Bunyan
"The benefits [of the resurrection] are innumerable..." Charles Swindoll
"Festivals of Want" Stuart McAllister
2012 ALCA Convention Notice
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March 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Water of Life" James Johnson
"Create in Me a Clean Heart" Ivan Seppala
"Man's Reason and God's Truth" Donny Matson
Portland Winter Services Invitation
"Jacob Wrestles" Phil Wilson
"Assurance and Hope" Mark Matson
"The Transfiguration of Our Lord" Nicholas Kandoll
"Light of the World" Watchman Nee
"Savo ALC History" Reino and Janet Maunu
"Where Is Our Anguish?" Calvin Matson
"Our Guide and Protector" Nick Magola
"An Experience in India" Alvar Helmes
"True Faith" A.W. Tozer
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February 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Jesus Christ, the Same Forever" by Peter Levijoki
"The Only Way" by Kalle Innala
"Behold, I Make All Things New!" by John Ruotsala
"John—The Voice in the Wilderness" by Gwen Wilson
"My Part" by Vivian Walikainen
"Jesus Blesses the Children" by Wayne Juntunen
"On Original Sin" by Will Matson
"A Jealous God" by Leona Matson
"Beyond the Jordan" by John E. Anderson
"Jesus Loves Me" Author Unknown
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January 2012 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Something New" by Gerald Southerton
"The Love of the Father" by Wayne Juntunen
"God's Peace!" by Elmer Liimatta
"New Year 1945" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Jesus in the Temple & Wise Men" by Gwen Wilson
"Seek the Lord" by Alvin Holmgren
"Alive with Christ" by Robert Maki
"Beauty in the Garden" by Nora Mickelson
"Tithing" by Shane Juuti
"Immersion" by Kenneth Niemitalo
"Never in a Hurry" from Streams in the Desert
"Abide with Me" by Henry Francis Lyte
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December 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Of New Birth, Baptism, and Children" by Steve Wuori
"The Word Was Made Flesh" by St Augustine
"For You!" by Gary Bertram
"The Lord, Our Dwelling Place" by Hannah Smith
Memoriam Alvin Holmgren
"Christmas" by Gwen Wilson
"Happy Birthday, Jesus!" poem by Shana Helmes
Toronto ALC History
"Our Father!" by Will Matson
"Good Times" by Ray Stenersen
"Gifts" by Sandy Gregorich
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November 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"O Give Thanks!" by Mark Aho
"Thanksgiving" Pres. Coolidge & Reagan
"The Fall and the Promise" by David Olson
"A Roomful of Children" by Leona Matson
"Thank Who?" by Jill Carattini
Memoriam Lucille Conboy
"A Man Named Legion" by Gwen Wilson
"Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving" by E.M. Bounds
"There Was a Time: An Advent Poem" by Joseph Breighner
"Life and Liberty" by Alvin Holmgren
"Solitary Prayer" by Phoebe Brown
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October 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Good Shepherd" by Elmer Yliniemi
"Thy Sins Are Forgiven" by Martin Luther
"Let's Remember to Pray" by Mark Matson
"His Life for Thee!" by F.R. Havergal
"The High and Lofty One" by Bruce Sarkela
"Let Us Rejoice!" by Nancy Jarvi
"Light Is Invisible" by Roy Hession
"Hear Good Instruction" by Gwen Wilson
"The Right Word" by Watchman Nee
"Hymns and Spiritual Songs" by Martin Luther
"Raising Our Children" by Shane Juuti
"Comfort Ye" by C.E. Cowman
"Prayer" by Johann Habermann
"Christian Monthly Changes" by Lois Matson
"Teach Me, Lord" by Lucy Bennett
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September 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"True Peace" by Andy Whitten
"The Times Are in His Hand" by Earl Kaurala
"My Soul Followeth Hard After Thee" by A.W. Tozer
"God Encouraged Them" by Leona Matson
"Soul Food" by Rachel Somero
"To Employers and Employees" by Sharon Estola
"The Lord's Prayer" by Gwen Wilson
"The Body of Christ" by Juha Tyni
Champion ALC History
"Our Foreign Mission" by Val Anderson
"Climbing Mount Everest" by Marlene Samuelson
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August 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Strange and Diverse" by Nathan Juntunen
"The Congregation (and its Oddities)" by Phil Wilson
"He Answered Her Not a Word" from Streams in the Desert
"Christians in the World" from the Epistle to Diognetus
"Forgetting God" by Richard Trench
"The Lord Knows All About Me" by Gwen Wilson
"Assurance of Pure Doctrine Is Essential" by Martin Luther
"Assurance of Divine Efficiency Is Essential" by Martin Luther
As Seen on Facebook
"Noah's Ark and Faith" by Alvar Helmes
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July 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Serving God and Country" by Rod Johnson
"Precious Promises" by Burt Farley
"Cornelius" by Ted Matson
"Time for God" by Charles Bergstedt
"Keeping the Faith" by Ron Holmgren
"The Sun and the Moon Stand Still" by Gwen Wilson
"Signs of the Last Times" by Arne Nordahl
"Farewell of the Soul to the Body" Elmer Liimatta
"A Puzzle Piece" Author Unknown
From the Mouths of Babes
"If for Christians" by Jeanne Sikkila
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June 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Only Way" by Waino Karvonen
"Grace Greater than Our Sin" by Dave Impola
"Three in One" by Jesse Aho
"God Gives Gideon a Victory" By Gwen Wilson
"The Faith of David" by Joshua Saari
"The Early Christian Chants" by E. E. Ryden
Seattle ALC History
"Prayer of Thy Congregation" poem by Reino Maunu
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May 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"He is Risen" by Dennis Hannu
"Fruit of Faith" by Martin Luther
"Stewardship" by Alvar Helmes
"The Third Day" by St Athanasius
"Little Things" by Gwen Wilson
"Earnest of the Spirit" by Shane Juuti
"Valley of Hope" by Carol Levijoki
"Thank You" by Stewart and Cora Seppanen
Facebook Status Updates
"Fishers of Men" by John Ruotsala
From the Mouth of Babes
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April 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"For This Cause Came I into the World" by Ken Storm
"True Freedom" by Orval Wirkkala
"God's Glory" by Ken Helmes
"The Epiphany of Our Lord" by Mark Matson
"Easter" by Gwen Wilson
"The Barren Fig Tree" by James R. Johnson
From the Mouth of Babes
"Dying to Self" Author Unknown
"The Only Plea" poem by Donny Matson
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March 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:

"Jesus, the Great I AM" by Don Salo
"Passion" by Jay Matson
"Without Form, and Void" by Jonathan Johnson
"Thank You" by Ryan and Linda Goddard
"Room for Jesus" by Arvo Onermaa
"I AM the Lord, I AM Your Lord" by Gwen Wilson
"Jehoram's Folly" by James R. Johnson
Kingston ALCA History
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February 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Great Love" by Nick Magola
"Thankfulness" by Timo Orre
"Who Am I?" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Testimony" by Mary Hoard
"Twofold Testimony" by H.A. Ironside
"Jesus Tempted by the Devil" by Gwen Wilson
Facebook Status Updates
Memoriam Saima Peterson
"Let Us Pray" by Ansten Tretten
"'Shall' in the Bible" by Alvar Helmes
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January 2011 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"Properly Clothed" by Charles Bergstedt
"Promises, Promises" by Don Salo
"Come Back" by Nathan Juntunen
"The Seasons of Life" by Rod Johnson
"The Light of God" by Harry Clemetti
"Jesus—No Ordinary Son" by Gwen Wilson
In Loving Memory of Wayne Kinnunen
"Occupy Till I Come" by Alvar Helmes
"A New Year's Promise" by Ken Storm
"God is Good" by Dave Impola
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December 2010 Christian Monthly: Articles:
"The Most Precious Gift" by Stephen Kurtti
Christmas Poem by Kaija Levijoki
"Retro Christmas Letter" by Frederick O. Johnson
"The Christmas Message" by Arne Nordahl
"Forgiveness" by Shane Juuti
"From Heaven to a Manger" by Gwen Wilson
"Knowing the Gospel" by Mark E Sunnarborg
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Children Editions

Children's Editions have Bible stories, articles especially for children, memory verses, puzzles and coloring pages.

Image Name & Description   Read Share
Winter 2017 CM for Children: Naomi & Ruth
Toddlers: Grandparents
Tots: God Knows Everything
Tykes: Naomi = Pleasant
Tweens: Loyal, Humble, and Kind
Teens: Love Your Enemies
Boaz & Ruth
Puzzle Fun: The Story of Ruth
Coloring Page: Ruth and Naomi
Ruth's Song
For Parents: Forever Love
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Fall 2017 CM for Children: Gideon, the Man of Valor
Toddlers: Peek-A-Boo!
Tots: The Lord Saves
Tykes: The Sword of the Lord
Tweens: Here's Your Sign
Teens: All the -Ites
What Evil? the Backstory
Gideon Destroys the Altar of Baal
Puzzle Fun: Gideon and the Angel
Trumpets in the Bible
For Parents: The Lord Is With Thee
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Summer 2017 CM for Children: John, the Messenger is Born: Luke 1
Toddlers: God Knows You
Tots: God's Own Child
Tykes: The Holy Spirit Comforter
Tweens: The Holy Trinity
Teens: The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
John: the Messenger Grows Up
John: the Baptizer
Puzzle Fun: JB, John the Baptist
Coloring Page: The Baptism of Jesus
The Song of Zechariah: Isaac Watts
For Parents: Go. Teach. Baptize.
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Spring 2017 CM for Children: The Passover: Exodus 11-12
Toddlers: Jesus Loves Children
Tots: Unleavened Bread and Bitter Herbs
Tykes: Before the Foundation of the World
Tweens: Christ, Our Passover
Teens: A New, Unleavened Lump
How They Came
How They Went
Puzzle Fun: The Passover
Coloring Page: The First Passover
"Go Down, Moses" Song
For Parents: A Perfect Lamb
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Winter 2016 for Children: Glory to God in the Highest!
Toddlers: Little Lambs
Tots: A Manger Bed
Tykes: Angels—Messengers of God
Tweens: Who Is Worthy?
Teens: The Glory of God
Holy, Holy, Holy
Puzzle Fun: Glory to God
Coloring Page: Luke 2:11
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
For Parents: Pride and Joy
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Fall 2016 for Children: Be Opened! Ephphatha!
Toddlers: I Am Jesus' Little Lamb
Tots: Vine and Branches
Tykes: Jesus' Family Tree
Tweens: Jews and Gentiles: All God's People
Teens: A Dog of a Different Color
Who's Who and Where
Puzzle Fun: Ephphatha!
Coloring Page: Jesus Heals a Deaf Mute
"The Birds Upon the Treetops" Song
Parents: Promises Made, Promises Kept
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Summer 2016 CM for Children: The Great I AM
Toddlers: Old Man Moses
Tots: Pharaoh, the King of Egypt
Tykes: The Slavery of Sin
Tweens: The Holy Name of the Lord
Teens: I AM THAT I AM!
Miracles and More Miracles
Major Moments in Exodus
Puzzle Fun: The Great I AM
Coloring Page: Moses and the Burning Bush
"Who Taught the Bird" Jane Taylor
For Parents: See the Salvation of the Lord
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Spring 2016 CM for Children: The Light of the World
Toddlers: This Little Light of Mine
Tots: Scared of the Dark?
Tykes: The Colors of the Rainbow
Tweens: Children of Light
Teens: You Are the Light of the World
God Is Light!
Jesus—The Light of the World Puzzle Fun
"I Am the Light of the World" Coloring Page
"Teach Me to Walk in the Light" song by Clara W. McMaster
Martin Luther's Daily Prayers
Parents: We're Cracked Pots
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Winter 2015 for Children: "Loaves and Fishes" John 6
Toddlers: Jesus Is the Bread of Life
Tots: God Gives Daily Bread
Tykes: Jesus—The Bread of Life
Tweens: The Kingdom of Heaven
Teens: Just a Bit of Yeast
The Sacrament of the Altar
Puzzle Fun: The Bread of Life
Coloring Page: Five Loaves and Two Fish
"O Living Bread from Heaven" Johann Rist
For Parents: Vocation, Vocation, Vocation
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Fall 2015 for Children: The Trial of Job: chapters 1-2
Toddlers: My Necessary Food
Tots: Lost and Found
Tykes: Jots & Tittles and Tittles and Jots
Tweens: God's Spirit Is Like the Wind
Teens: Jesus Is Our Daysman
Job—The Rest of the Story
Puzzle Fun: The Trial of Job
Coloring Poster: Job 1:21
My Redeemer Lives!
Parents: The Problem of Suffering
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Summer 2015 for Children: Jonathan & David—BFF 1 Samuel 20
Toddlers: First Friendships
Tots: Sweeter Than Honey
Tykes: Your Best Friend Forever
Tweens: David Spares King Saul's Life
Teens: No Frenemies Allowed
King David—A Man After God's Own Heart
Puzzle Fun: Jon & Dave
Coloring Page: David & Jonathan 1 Samuel 18:1
Poem: True Friends
Parents: Godly Male Friendship
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Spring 2015 for Children: I Want to See! Luke 18:35-43
Toddlers: Looking Up
Tots: Think, Think, Think
Tykes: Dis-Abilities
Tweens: God Sustains You
Teens: Seeing by Hearing
The Blind See. The Deaf Hear.
God Writes the Gospel in Nature
Puzzle Fun: I Want to See!
A Story to Color: John 9:25
Song: Oh, Be Careful Little Eyes What You See
Parents: Understanding with the Heart
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Winter 2014 for Children: In the Belly of a Fish: Jonah 1-2
Toddlers: Jesus Came as a Baby
Tots: Our Great God Made the Tiny Things
Tykes: Jonah Was a Real Person
Tweens: God Is Everywhere, Man!
Teens: Our Immense, Orderly Universe
The Story of Jonah: Part 2
God Is Merciful
Puzzle Fun: Jonah and the Whale
Coloring Page: Jonah in the Whale
All Things Bright and Beautiful: Cecil F Alexander
For Parents: Care and Teaching
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Fall 2014 for Children: Lazarus, Come Out! John 11
Toddlers: Made in the Image of God
Tots: The Name of God
Tykes: Jesus Knows You
Tweens: Hello, My Name Is Christian
Teens: A White Stone, A New Name
To the One Who Overcomes
The Trinity—Three in One
Puzzle Fun: Lazarus, Come Out!
Coloring Page: I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Jesus Wept
For Parents: The Incomprehensible Trinity
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Summer 2014 Children's Edition: Articles:
Living Water, John 4
Toddlers: Jesus Loves You
Tots: Water Is Wonderful
Tykes: Rock of Ages
Tweens: Need vs. Choose
Teens: Double Payment
Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Girl
Puzzle Fun: Living Water
Coloring Page: Give Me To Drink
Song: Spring Up, O Well
Parents: Water of Life
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Spring 2014 Children's Edition: Articles:
The Created World, Genesis 1 & 2
Toddlers: God Made the World
Tots: Peace, Be Still
Tykes: Transfigure
Tweens: Dominion
Teens: In the Image of God
Original Sin
Jesus—The Exact Imprint of the Father
Puzzle Fun: The Created World
Coloring Page: God Saw Everything He Had Made
Song: All Creatures of Our God and King
Parents: Saint and Sinner
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Winter 2013 Children's Edition: Baby in the Basket, Exodus 2
Toddlers: Rock Me!
Tots: Doing Something
Tykes: A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey
Tweens: The Years of Moses
Teens: Young vs Old—The Age-Old Conflict
The Books of Moses
"Little Moses" Song
Puzzle Fun: Baby in the Basket
Coloring Page: She called him "Moses"
"Gifts" poem
"Child of God" poem
For Parents; Ungodly Rulers
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Fall 2013 for Children: At the Feet of Jesus, John chapter 12
Toddlers: God Made Your Nose
Tots: Happily Ever After
Tykes: Weather
Tweens: The "Scents" of Smell
Teens: The Aroma of Life
What Do You See...?
The Amazing Brain
Puzzle Fun: At the Feet of Jesus
Coloring Page: Mary Anoints Jesus
Song: Brighten the Corner
For Parents: Hurry Up and Slow Down
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Summer 2013 for Children: A Chosen Vessel, Acts chapter 9
Toddlers: Jesus—The Good Shepherd
Tots: God's Ways Are Higher
Tykes: Going Into the House of the Lord
Tweens: Nicknames
Teens: Disciple vs. Apostle
The Dispersion
What Is an Epistle?
Puzzle Fun: A Chosen Vessel
Coloring Page: Paul and the Light from Heaven
Jesus Called the Disciples
For Parents: The Service of Parenting
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Spring 2013 Children's Edition: The Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5-7
Toddlers: The Wonders of Nature
Tots: The House on the Rock
Tykes: The Bee-Attitudes
Tweens: Gravity
Teens: El Capitán
Jesus—the Captain of Our Salvation
It's a Boy... or a Girl!
Puzzle Fun: The Wise Man Built His House on a Rock!
Coloring Page: House on a Rock
"There Is Life" by Bruce Sannes
For Parents: Fruit of the Spirit
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Winter 2012 Children's Edition: The Flight into Egypt: Matthew 2
Toddlers: Wise Men Poem
Tots: Where Is Jesus, the King of the Jews?
Tykes: Shadows: Moses and Jesus
Tweens: Acts of the Apostles
Teens: Ransom
David and Absalom
Puzzle Fun: Led by a Star
Coloring Page: Wise Men Rejoice
"Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come" Song
For Parents: Times and Seasons
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Fall 2012 Children's Edition: David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17
Toddlers: Prayer
Tots: The Rainbow
Tykes: Young People Are Important
Tweens: You Are Not Alone
Teens: God's Name
Who Are You?
"A Common Soldier" poem by John Anderson
Puzzle Fun: David and Goliath
David and Goliath: A Picture to Color
His Banner Is Love
For Parents: God the Deliverer
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Summer 2012 Children's Edition: Here I Am! Samuel 1-3
Toddlers: The Living Water
Tots: Praise the Lord
Tykes: Counting Stars and Sand
Tweens: The Still Small Voice
Teens: Can You Hear Me Now?
Your Lifejacket!
"God Made You and Me" Poem
"Grace Is Flowing Like a River" Song
Puzzle Fun: Here I Am!
Samuel: A Picture to Color
"Mother's Treasures" Poem
For Parents: Samuel and the Voice of the Lord
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Spring 2012 Children's Edition: Alive Forevermore! Luke 23-24
Toddlers: "H" in Sign Language
Tots: Why Did the Angel Roll the Stone Away?
Tykes: The Great I AM
Tweens: Cunningly Devised Fables
Teens: The Woman at the Well
Titles of Jesus
The Alpha and The Omega
"Alive, Alive, Alive Forevermore" Song
Puzzle Fun: Jesus is Alive
Stained Glass Window to Color
Grandpa's Reflections: Gardening
For Parents: The Power and Wonder of the Resurrection
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Winter 2011 Children's Edition: Jesus Is Born! Luke 1-2
Toddlers: Winter Days
Tots: The Candy Cane
Tykes: Jesus: God and Man
Tweens: The Mobius Strip
Teens: Wispy as Steam
Taste and Smell
First Lady Laura Bush's Hot Chocolate Recipe
Taste and See
Puzzle Fun: Christmas Time!
"An Angel Brings Good News" Picture to Color
"Merry Christmas, Baby Jesus" Song
For Parents: Jesus: The Center Point in History
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Fall 2011 Children's Edition: "Daniel and the Lions" Daniel 6
Toddlers: "Daniel" Song
Tots: Prayer: Talking to God
Tykes: Do the Right Thing
Tweens: An Excellent Spirit
Teens: Shine Your Light
Look and Learn
"Daniel Was a Man of Prayer" Song
Puzzle Fun: Daniel and the Lions
A Daniel Picture to Color
For Further Study: Lions in the Bible
For Parents: Lessons from Daniel
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