October 2012 Christian Monthly

Edition Type: Monthly
Published: 10/2012
Luther at the Wartburg" J.H. Merle D'Aubigne
"The Apostles' Creed" Martin Luther
"Did You Know?"
"The Thoughts and Ways of God" Travis Seppala
"Whom Did God Send?" from the Epistle to Diognetus
"Do You Hear What I Hear?" Gwen Wilson
"Why Does Our Church Baptize Babies?" Scott Niemitalo
"Please Vote" Elaine Valitalo
"The Journey of Sheep" I'Ching Thomas
"To Understand Grace" Tom Lappi
"Primitive Christianity and the Reformation" J.H. Merle D'Aubigne
"As My Father Hath Sent Me, So Send I You" Wayne Juntunen