November 2013 Christian Monthly

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Edition Type: Monthly
Published: 11/2013



"Behold the Lamb of God" Cal Niemela

"The Truth Will Make You Free" Elmer Yliniemi

"God Seen in Christ" William Lincoln

"Thank You, Lord" Charles Bergstedt

"Give Thanks" Mark Matson

"A Chosen Vessel" Lois Matson

"The Twelve Apostles" Lois Matson

"The Orphan's Plea" Alvar Helmes

"Benediction" Walter Ketola

"Simple Childlike Faith" Mark Sunnarborg

"Giving Thanks" Jim Maunu

2014 ALCA Convention Notice

2014 ALCA Calendar Notice

"God Is True" Jay Weidner

"Four Freedoms" Norman Rockwell