The Christian Monthly is dedicated to the proclamation of the Word of God. We welcome writings with spiritual themes, based on the Bible, in keeping with our mission statement.
A good size for an article is 600-1000 words. A very long article (over 1200 words) is less likely to be published, or it will be condensed.
Your article will be edited for clarity, accuracy, grammar, length, and appropriate wording for our readers worldwide, and sent to five Review Committee members, who will determine its suitability for our publication. Sometimes we will work with you, the author, on revisions.
"In Memoriam" messages for loved ones and announcements of special services will be tailored to fit into a partial page.
The deadline for timely notices or seasonal articles is the first of the month prior to publication. For example, a Christmas article or a notice about Christmas services needs to reach me by November 1st.
All Scripture quotes will be from the Authorized King James Bible.
Include the title and author for each hymn, poem, or other quotation in your article. If it is a recent work, protected under copyright law, include the author's written permission to use it. If you submit a translated article, give us the author's name, residence, and publication name, as well as the translator's name and address.
Please submit your article to me here or email to This is the quickest, easiest way for me to edit your work and to confer with you about any revisions. By postal service, send your submission to Lois Matson, Editor, Christian Monthly, PO Box 2126, Battle Ground, Washington 98604 USA. You may call me at (360) 904-6951.
Important: Include your full name, email address and phone number on your correspondence so we can contact you if we have questions. If you are a pastor, please let us know. It is our policy to use this title in the byline unless you request otherwise.
We really need your writings. Pray to God for the inspiration to share your faith with others. And then write, believing that He will supply the words.
Thank you for your loving support of the Christian Monthly.
God's peace,
Lois Matson, Editor